Thursday, October 27, 2022

Autumn Activities

We're all doing well here. It's been the usual busy life with kids having music lessons, practicing, homework, etc. Other activites too - yesterday Sophi and Natalie went to a Trunk or Treat with a friend.  Dressed as Candy Corn and Cleaopatra. 
And P as a dinosaur. Corey and Wes are having fun in Boston, and as for us, I've actually gone and cleaned up in the basement a little bit, so that's been good. AND I cleaned the kids shower, which was super bad. So I've done cleaning, but also playing with the kids too - Peter and I colored dinosaurs and sharks - 

Here are the kids walking to the kindergarten bus yesterday - Daniel rollerblading and Peter riding his "dinosaur bike ride"

And no blog post would be complete without cute pictures of Katharine... 

That was from yesterday morning, Natalie should have been getting dressed and ready for school, but instead she was getting Katharine dressed. She just can't help playing with her doll! Katharine in a little snow jumper thing that also I got for her yesterday, in addition to the three Halloween costumes... And today they dressed her in another winter outfit I got (like I said, I might already be spoiling her like a grandma!) 

Look at you sitting up!!
I sent that pic above to Corey, and he texted back asking "Is she always that happy and smiley?" I replied "Almost always!" followed by this pic of her that I just took of her being impatient for food. 
So I guess she's not perfect all the time, but even when she's crying, we all just think it's adorable and we laugh at her. (and jokingly quote Lotso Bear "Don't be such a BABY!!!") Another pic of her adorable face! 
We love how she sucks on her lower lip. That is so cute when babies do that. And we also laughed at her when she fell asleep sticking out her tongue - haha!
Yeah, we pretty much love everything about this little girl.

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