Saturday, October 15, 2022

Balboa Beach

Yesterday while we were at Six Flags, Corey's brother and his family took a trip south to San Diego and Mexico, to hit the San Diego Temple and the Tijuana Temple. While they were in the area, they went and had lunch with our favorite missionary

How fun is that? We had asked Hyrum if he wanted to see us, cause we would have gone down, but he said no... "No offense, it would just be too weird." And we were ok with that. So we're glad that Mark and Chalane were able to pass a hug from us on to him. 

We spent most of the afternoon out at Balboa Beach today. Mark and Chalane drove over with most of our kiddos, and Corey, Joseph, Ethan, Mel and I rode out on or bikes! We took the ferry across, which cut a bit of time from our ride, so we got there about the same time they did. It was all downhill, and it was good that we didn't haul the bikes all the way out here to California for nothing, so yay, checked that off. Corey's taken a few morning rides too, but I haven't. Today at the beach, I didn't take many pictures, cause I was playing in the waves. 
It was a fun steep shore, like Playa Conchal in Costa Rica - so the waves are big and hit hard, but are also brief. All the kids were out in the waves and got hit a few times. 

It looked fun so I joined in. By that time Mel and Ethan were done, but I swam a bit with Wes and Abi. Cousin Isaac was out there the whole day. Here's video of the little boys running away from the wave. 

Sometimes the waves were kinda big and scary and I was worried they would take a kid out. 

The bathroom was far away. Wesley and Peter looked cute walking over there. They are best friends.
My beautiful daughters on one of their walks back from the restrooms - 
I got clobbered a few times in the waves. When you could see a big one coming, it was scary! I usually tried to swim quickly straight for it so I could dive under it before it smacked me. But we all got hit plenty of times and got sand burns on our legs and saltwater up our noses, but it was great! Cold and refreshing and relaxing. Corey and the kids all took lots of pictures and videos. 
Everyone loves Katharine 💕
I didn't feed Katharine the whole time we were there, but she did get some licks of fruit leather and other things. When we were packing up, I could tell K was hungry and I tried to feed her, but I couldn't cause I was covered in sand, so I ended up not riding my bike back, cause I just had to get back quick to get clean up and nurse. Poor Abi had to ride my back for me. She wasn't thrilled about that. 
Ethan didn't want to ride again either, but Corey purposely did not take his car with the bike rack, so that no one would be able to bailout of riding it back. Back at the room - Katharine was clean and fed and happy. 
We had another movie night - the new Top Gun movie. That was fun. Corey made me laugh as he said "I think Tom cruise is damned. Him and Madonna. He’s stuck doing things on camera. Poor guy is 60 years old and still playing the tough guy on the beach..." Lol! Although we all admitted if we look that young at 60, we'll be pretty pleased with ourselves. So it's been a party, and we have a long drive home tomorrow. We hope to leave early and make it back by Wesley's 7:00 pm YMAD meeting. Goodnight!

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