Friday, October 14, 2022

Six Flags

We had a fun day at Six Flags. We took a group picture before our last ride on Lex Luthors Drop of Doom - 

Lily was out holding Katharine and waiting with Jeremy and Nancy. Corey was off with Owen and Daniel on Scrambler. Here is a group selfie of them ~
When Corey and I were away with ODPK in Bugs Bunny World. It was a fun day, but I think I'm going to have blisters and my shoulders are tight. I did not like the long drive back to the hotel. But it's all good. We headed to Six Flags around 8:30 this morning. Kids not helping us get ready, but I guess watching Katharine counts for something. She can roll over.... 

Kids killing time watching her do this trick as they were waiting to leave.

She did it! Everyone clap! Traffic got us there shortly after 10 am. We split into two groups:

CODP went off to the kiddie rides.

And Katharine and I got to join the coaster riding group - 
Katharine checking out the wait times - 
We went to Goliath first. There was hardly any line, so half of our group left - 
And then when they got back, we passed Katharine over to them to hold - 
And then we got to go! It was a pretty good system! We went on Goliath twice, then Drop of Doom, Then Wonder Woman - Mel held Katharine on that while all of us went, then when it was her turn to go, they said one of us could go with her, and I grabbed that chance, yes! Wonder Woman was really fun! One of my favorites of the day, so I was glad that I got to go on it twice. It had a long line, so we didn't go on it again as a group. 
After that we went over to Batman, where there was no line. We didn't like that one as much cause it banged around our heads. Then we met up with Nancy and her girls, and they hadn't ridden anything so we took them to Goliath. 
You're being so good Katharine!
We did Buccaneer and then the older kids all left and split up a little bit. I went with K to find Corey. 
He was with ODP still having fun. They were at Scrambler, so I went on that with O&D while Corey waited with P&K (P didn't like it). That ride was a bit long, I kept wondering when it would stop, ugh. Then Corey got ODP fries and a shake and burger. Corey held K and Peter kept eating while I took O&D on Buccaneer, and they liked that. They ran to get right back in line right like 4 times right after it was done, which worked out great since there wasn't much of a line. They got their fill, then we went back to find Corey and Katharine. They were with all the other kids having burgers and fries. 
$160 bucks later, and yay kids are fed and hopefully won't be nagging for food. 
Then I went back to Buccaneer with O&D (they really liked the pirate ship). Peter did so well keeping himself entertained while he waited the whole day.
He did this little breakdancing routine a few times over the course of the day.

And other times he just patiently waited climbing around and checking out whatever was in front of him. 
Then Corey and I went back over to Bugs Bunny world with ODPK where their day began. Riding the kiddie coasters - oh yeah! Daniel having fun.
Peter liked Sylvester's pounce and bounce. The boys did this a few times.
It was nice that the park wasn't very crowded and there weren't a lot of lines. Corey and Peter headed over to the airplanes and I stayed with O&D on the road runner coaster.
Owen helping with Katharine.
Such a sweet little face. 
Katharine was totally perfect the whole day. Once it was dark, Corey and I wandered around a bit but we were both ready to leave. My feet hurt. I went on Scrambler again with O&D then went to find the older kids to tell them that we were about ready to head out. Corey was in line for some driving cars with O&D, only to find out, after waiting in line, that it cost extra, so then they left and caught up with us. I gathered together with the older kids to give them a van key so that Corey and I could leave and then they could leave later if they wanted to stay longer. They were about to get on Drop of Doom, so I jumped line and left K with Lily who was outside waiting (pic at the beginning of this post). I was glad to get one more ride in! That one is so pretty from  the top, way up high, it was fun. We all decided to do one more ride. We went over to get on Wonder Woman, but then decided we didn't want to wait 30 minutes, so we went to see the Batman car - 
Peter loved it!
And Wes bought him a hotwheels Batman Spaceship - 
And we walked out. Abi and Sophi left with Nancy and her family, we waited for Joseph, who was in line for a funnel cake. 
He had been smelling them all day and decided to splurge. He's not sure if it was worth the $14 bucks, but it was good. And he was so nice to share with everyone. Natalie eating a gummy worm.
K still being perfect.
So it was a grand day. And Corey's brother Mark and his family has been doing a temple trip on this drive - they went down to the San Diego temple, and while they were in town, they got permission to meet up with and buy lunch for a certain missionary!
They gave him a big hug from his family. 
He didn't want to see us, and that's ok. He said it would be too weird. But he was ok to see his uncle and cousins. We were glad that they were able to get together! We sure love him, and that was fun that they were able to get together. 

Life is good.

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