Saturday, October 8, 2022

Fall Weekend

Another lovely fall weekend. I went on a ride this morning. I was biking through a pink forest!
It is so pretty right now! When I left, some of the girls (LSN?) were sleeping on the trampoline. 
Corey and I went on a ride yesterday morning too. Sophi and Wes babysat for us. 
We have to get it in now because we're going to be gone next weekend in Newport. We left early and avoided the sun but it was at our backs on the way down and made the red leaves look like they were on fire!

It was lovely.

So I went on a morning ride, and then Corey took the little kids out to Corner Canyon Little Valley this afternoon. And Joseph was also aware that this weekend was probably his last chance to see the colors in their glory, so he called this evening and said he wanted to go on a ride. It was pretty late though, like 5:30. And the sun was setting at 7:10, so that didn't give either of us much time... He asked if we could meet him at Corner Canyon in 30 minutes with a bike for him to borrow. Corey got ready to head out, but he said it seems wrong that we took 3 trips out there today! Joseph called Mel to see if she wanted to come, so that added a little bit of time to him. They weren't on the trail until 6:30. 
I said if they really booked it they could probably be back in time with barely enough light to see near the end (takes me about an hour to do Anns and Ghost Falls) 
But they didn't book it, cause they had to take photos of leaves! 
And selfies of themselves riding in the leaves.
So they really had an adventure cause they were coming down the Rush trail IN THE DARK! Rush is already pretty thrilling, but in the dark? That's... that's taking it up a level. I was checking their status on Life 360. At one point Joseph called me after going through Rush - the Trees. He had been ahead of Corey and Mel so he was waiting for them, but "the trees" is an add on trail, so now they were ahead of him. I pointed that out to him, he saw that they were ahead, then he caught up. They were lucky Corey brought headlamps, cause it was very dark when they were back at the cars. 
But it was scary thrilling and they had fun! Here's a pic of K being cute while they were all at Little Valley. She's getting so good at grabbing the little bear, which I hung over her exersaucer. 
I love seeing her busy feet and toes.
And here's Katharine being sad! I can't remember why she was crying, but her tears were so precious - sweet baby.
~and we are also loving how she sucks in lower lip!
Butterfly update. 3 came out yesterday, and this morning I found one chrysalis in the backyard! 
Nicole texted me a picture of an empty chrysalis in her backyard that she found when she was clearing out weeds. It inspired me to look. I cleared away some vines from the tree and there it was!!
I have found my caterpillar that was lost! I called everyone to come rejoice with me. So this is one of my group of 9, then one disappeared when I was putting them on the milkweed (which I assume is this one) and so I had 8, then another one disappeared when I moved them back to the table. I thought he was making his j-hook but then he was just gone. I'm hoping he wasn't blown away. It was after a windy night and I looked and looked for him everywhere. I assume if he had been blown off he would be on the ground somewhere nearby, but I never found him. So then I was down to 7. I gave one to a neighbor, and that still hasn't emerged, and of my 6 left, I had one come out Tues, Wed, and Thurs, and then three yesterday. At 3:00, I parked myself on a chair next to them watching. They all looked black -
I told the kids that they could "come out any minute! Or in a couple of hours..." It proved to be the latter. Corey and I left for a date (Epicurious) and they were still in their chrysalides when I left, and they were all out when we came home. 
They were content to just hang out on the stick all night, and I put them out in the morning when I left for my ride. They were still there when I got back. 
I put them on real flowers.
They hung out for a little bit. Two girls and one male. They girls both flew off around 1, and I didn't see the male when he flew away. I have 16 chrysalides left, and I'm hoping they don't all emerge while we're gone. 🤞

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