Thursday, October 6, 2022

Field Trip

Daniel woke up early today to go to morning kindergarten for a field trip with both kindergarten classes. Riding the bus with all his friends!

A neighbor who went with them sent me that photo. They went to Thanksgiving Point's Museum of Curiosity. Back at home, Daniel was reading to Katharine, and I thought it was super cute how she was holding onto his sleeve~

I warned him last night that he shouldn't stay up and play cause he had to get up early today. So he went to bed and knocked on our bedroom door around 7 am to let me know he did it - he was awake! Thus he crashed pretty hard around 3pm.

I let him sleep. He usually sleeps in until 10 or 11, so afternoon kindergarten has been perfect for him. 

Here are a few pics of Wesley and Peter on Tuesday - they were keeping an eye out for zombies...

And shooting them with their marble-works guns. "Pew-pew-pew!"

Corey was usually the only zombie they found. AND on Monday I got together another chore chart system for the kids. I made lists for Lily and under, who are the kiddos that need us to nag on them a bit more to practice their music. And to help clean. Abi does both of those well without us nagging, and Wes is under Corey's thumb at work, so I didn't make one for him either. 

It's simple to-do's, only a few of them. It's going well so far. Daniel is doing the best. Owen does well. Sophi and Natalie cleaned their room on Tuesday and have kept it clean! Here's hoping this helps things run more smoothly around here for a bit.
I put their name on a cardstock in a sheet protector, and  then I can change the scratch paper as needed. I just wanted to get something up even though it's a rough draft version. 

And here's half of my butterfly report this week. I have three of 6 that have emerged, those 6 were part of a group of 9 (of my 100 eggs that didn't hatch, except for a few) So I have had two last groups - a group of 9, and of those 9, two got lost in the backyard, and I gave one to a neighbor, so I have 6, and then my other group of 15 chrysalides that probably have another week before they come out. Here's a female that emerged today. I had one female yesterday/Wed and one male on Tuesday.

Talking with the kids after scriptures tonight about controversial/politically divisive topics. It's fun to talk to them. We're hoping they survive this crazy world! Time for bed. 

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