Sunday, October 2, 2022

General Conference Weekend

Good fall morning! 

I'm loving the weather we've had the past two weeks. Just gorgeous. Yesterday morning I went on a ride in Corner Canyon. It was lovely fall colors everywhere you look. Here's a view from the Ghost Falls trail, which is my current favorite.

I took Rush down this time, which I haven't done this year, and it was fun! I think I have improved cause it wasn't as scary as I remember. On my way up to the Coyote Trail Head. I love these yellow bushes that are in bloom - 

Corey got Abi to the bus for GMS and he had breakfast ready when I got back. He's the best. I was back in time for the Saturday morning session of General Conference, which we enjoyed listening to yesterday and today. It was wonderful. I didn't take any notes, I just listened. AND I was able to stay awake cause I cleaned as I listened! I finally got my bedroom clean, which has been my goal for over a month. Now that caterpillars are all tucked away I guess I'm finally making time for chores, Yay. I loved all of conference. I'm going to listen to it again this week, as I clean again, and plan to take notes. 

On Saturday, our friends from Brazil, Rafael and Natalia, had six extra tickets to Conference, so MEWAL&S were able to go with them and that was a fun opportunity for our kids! I was home with the littles, and we got a great video of Katharine laughing at Peter. I was holding her and P was jumping, and she was laughing so hard! 
I stood up to go get my phone to take a video, and luckily it didn't kill the fun of whatever it was that she was finding hilarious, cause she kept laughing at him. 
So cute!

In between the afternoon and evening session yesterday, Joseph and Corey took a quick ride up the canyon. Corey got his best time ever as he kept up with this young college kid.

Kids played with toys as we listened. It's been a lovely two days of spiritual feasting. 

Corey went to his parents house to listen to the last session, he took WASNODP, and I came after Conference was over with JMELK. I'm here sneaking in a bit of blogging (I'm behind). Sophi has been making a stop motion video with lego Friends. We had a nice dinner (sweet potatoes were very tasty) The older kids and teens had us laughing as they talked about things Corey and I did when they were younger. It was funny. Abi said she doesn't know those parents. Corey said he still has those means and will use them if necessary. Corey's siblings threaten their children to send them to our house if they don't straighten up. Corey "Aww, you flatter me..." 

Ha, it was fun. I'm glad my kids can laugh about it now. I'm also glad that the more years of experience we have now has made us a little smarter and a little more chill about things. We both admitted that we were too hard on Ethan. He agreed. 

Oh Katharine! THOSE THIGHS!! So cute and squishy! The baby and toddlers we have now are going to have a different life experience in our home than the older group had.
It's all good, and I love it. I think large families are so fun, it's the best! 
Joseph wanted a picture with Katharine - The oldest and youngest kid! She did a big smile..
Aw! We need to take away the binky so we can see her smile. 
Oh my goodness, sooo adorable Katharine! 
She's just the cutest. THOSE CHEEKS!
I'm grateful for the blessings of family that the gospel of Jesus Christ has given us.

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