Friday, September 30, 2022

Last Caterpillar

Well, we're down to our last caterpillar...

(cause all the rest are already in their chrysalides) I took that pic above an hour ago - now I'm ready to head to bed, but this guy will be changing any minute now. I've been in here collecting milkweed seeds from the pods I've collected as I listened to this Hello Saints guy be interviewed. I found his channel thanks to the YouTube algorithm. I like it. As I listened, I called and let the kids know "It's your last chance to see a caterpillar molt!" but no one came. I didn't push it. 

We've all seen it before, but I still find it amazing though! ...and a little stressful... I haven't had any of them fall, but it seems, to me, like hanging upside down by your toes and shedding off your skin is a bit of a risky position to be in... I'm amazed that they just happen to have a little velcro peg (cremaster) that had grown inside their body and comes out of their abdomen to grab onto the silk pad to catch them from falling to certain death in their soft and vulnerable state. Pretty amazing programming code that went into these little creatures. Just the luck of evolution? That would be pretty amazing luck indeed, but I don't buy it. There is a Creator and Grand Designer behind all the amazing things in this world - from snowflakes to rainbows, fall colors to caterpillars, not to mention the amazing human body that comes in the package of beautiful babies! 

I spent part of the evening reclaiming the laundry room desk. I moved the caterpillars inside on Wednesday cause the wind was crazy. It was blowing over empty garbage bins in the street, so these guys would have been goners. So I put them back in the laundry room on Wednesday and they've been in there... I have kept the window open. It's not too cold outside, but hopefully they're still getting cues from mother nature that it's time to migrate, even though I have them inside. I recently ordered some official monarch supplies - floral tubes for the milkweed and a peg rack to hold them, and a large cage. 

It's been working very well. I have a plastic thing to catch the frass, but the cake lid from Natalie's birthday is still in there too and I'll be keeping that in storage for next year. I've been putting things away...

What will I do with my time now that monarch season is almost over? Haha, I'll start to catch up on the house that I've been neglecting since July. We'll have a few days of releasing butterflies over the next 2 weeks, but now all the hard work is done. We will enjoy a few more weeks of biking in the lovely fall weather. The elementary kids didn't have school today, cause of PTCs yesterday, so it was a teacher work day. So after I took Lily to jazz band, I came home and Corey and I went out for a ride up the canyon. When we came around a corner and I saw the mountain, I about fell off my bike - 

I yelled "WOW!!! Look at that!" and anyone seeing me might have though I was seeing a comet or UFO. No, it was just the AMAZING fall colors on the mountain. HOLY COW it was amazing. 

It invigorated my soul and put wind in my sails - I was ready for the last few hills and their tricky rocks. Corey was ahead of me. I was thinking that if I followed his line, I might make it over any tricky spots. Psyching myself up I said "Show me where to go!" His simple reply - "UP." "Noooo..." Up up and up the mountain. Up the hill, over the obstacles. Work work work. It's a bumpy ride, but we can do it. “The road ahead will always be bumpy, but the destination will be serene and secure. So, fasten your seat belt, hang on through the bumps, and do what’s right, and your rewards will be eternal.” - President Nelson. I'm sure there will also be beautiful picturesque moments along the way - 

I passed some rock obstacles that I hadn't gotten over before. Yay, I'm improving! I made it all the way up to the top of Lisa Falls. Can you see the ruins behind us?

It's a beautiful world. It was a great way to start the day. Carpool, a bit of cleaning, K had a 4 month well visit and I also finally went to get a few copies of her birth certificate. Date night tonight at Blue Lemon, I got my usual (Mediterranean salad with shrimp and dressing on the side). We are so excited for this weekend - it's General Conference! Time to nourish our souls with hours of hearing the uplifting messages and the word of God, so excited, goodnight!

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