Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Slipping Away

I know that autumn has really only just started a month ago, but I feel like it's already over. I went on a quick ride today after Lily was home from school and able to watch Katharine for me. There were still colorful leaves to enjoy ~
And the trail wasn't too bad at first...
...but each of the three bridges on the trail were covered in snow, and after this last bridge, I knew my ride was almost over. 
Snow was melting off of the trees and getting my helmet wet. I had mud all up the back of my pants and shirt when I was back. We're in a drought, so I'll pray for more snow, but I'm still sad the fall is ending. I'm always left wishing for more. 

The kids are super excited for Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mostly Halloween, since it is one of the two days of the year where you get candy. Here is the other costume I got for Katharine. 
This one seems to big, so we'll save it for next year. Lily had changed her into the lady bug one while I was on my ride. 
She's super cute!!
When we sat down for dinner tonight, most of the kids were dressed in costumes. 
Just another night around the Wride household - Daniel as Mr. Incredible (I'd say he was Dash, but his costume is padded with big muscles, so I think he's supposed to be Mr. Incredible. And we've got a dinosaur and is that a ghost? Or a kid in a dunce hat? No, you can't tell from this pic, but Natalie is a candy corn.
Peter the dinosaur, of course!
The kids were wearing costumes that they borrowed from a neighbor. Lily got a Christmas tree costume that she's going to wear to school on Monday, and she picked up a big dinosaur onesie for Wesley, so Peter and Wes are going to be twinners when Wes takes him around the neighborhood, aww. They took off Katharine's ladybug costume and she was just in the black shirt, and we got this treasure of a photo of her - 
Oh my goodness, she is sooo cute. She made a big mess of herself right after that photo, so then she went and took a bath. Another cute pic of our little angel, with a pink bow on her head~
All clean and ready for bed in new cupcake pajamies. 

Things are going pretty good even though I'm on my own this week. We even had a sit down dinner, so that is impressive of me, let me pat myself on the back. Good job, self. Abi was gone at her flute lesson. I'm glad that Corey taught Abi and Lily how to use the UTA bus system so that I don't have to take them to their lessons or chamber class or anything. Good job Corey, and Abi and Lily too. Way to take another step towards learning how to survive on your own. 

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