Thursday, October 13, 2022

Temple and Laguna Beach

Today I went to the temple with Abi and Lily to do baptisms. We went with Corey's brother Mark and his two boys Seth and Isaac. 

Their family has been doing a temple tour! So far they've gone to the Las Vegas and Redlands temples, and today they did Newport. San Diego and Tijuana are coming up tomorrow and Saturday.
It was fun to do baptisms with them today. Afterwards I took too many pictures of the flowers on the temple grounds.
If you want to see all of those, head over to my Glorious Earth blog. I try to put most of my plant pictures there, or else those pics could overrun the posts here.

After the temple, we came back and went to Laguna Beach! My favorite part there was probably beach soccer. I didn't take pictures of that, I'll see if I can get them from Corey. I focused more on playing than on documenting today, and that was good. Our fans in the stadium.
I did get these few of Corey and Wes playing frisbee - 
minus the frisbee part, but they were throwing it, I promise.
And Peter throwing sand! "I'm gonna get you mom!"
"I got you!"
Group photo:
It was a cloud covered day, but we still put on sunblock, cause I've been burnt before. Joseph, Mel, and Ethan were flying in today - 
Leaving Provo - 
They called to let us know that hey had arrived, but it was when we were at the beach. We would have gotten to get them, but they didn't specifically ask or arrange for that, so Corey thought he'd just let them figure it out. And they did. They took an Uber. We made it up to them with a nice BBQ ready for them after they got to the hotel.
Owen and Daniel enjoying their steak.
After they finished, the big kids took their spot - 
Mel missed her baby sister!
We are out here with Corey's brother and sister and their families. Corey's parents didn't make it out for this trip cause his mom has been a little sick. We're praying for her!
And they all finished the day off with swimming and now they're watching an Indiana Jones movie while I blog. Fun fun
More fun coming tomorrow at Six Flags!

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