Saturday, November 26, 2022

Back Home

We got back from Park City yesterday. It was a great time up there, and I'm always thankful to be back home. Yesterday the kids were lost in a game of "Family" in the basement.

It was really cute to see them play. Here's Peter ready to go to school, with a back pack that reached the floor behind him. 

It kinda looked like a turtle shell on him. The kids each had brown lunch sacks with fake food in it - so funny. 

We got a few photos of Wes in India off of an instagram account they made for the kids. He has been in India for one week, and has another week to go. They had a few group photos, but you can hardly see Wes, so we'll just go with this close up of him traveling to India on Nov 17th at 5 am.

Taking a stop in Singapore. 

Lily and I just got back from climbing, and here is my second BeReal from there - 

It's pretty fun! We're trying out a month pass to see how much we use it. Maybe we'll be come a climbing family. We'll see if we use it enough and the kids like it. I've been trying to blog this week too, but perhaps I've been using climbing and blogging as a nervous distraction cause Corey and I are speaking in sacrament meeting on Sunday and I really should be preparing more. The topic is Gratitude. I hope it turns out ok, cause my thoughts are everywhere! Perhaps I'm being like Calvin "You can't turn on creativity like a faucet, you have to be in the right mood..." Hobbs "What mood is that?" Calvin: "Last minute panic." 

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