Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Feast

We enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving Feast today. For our food assignments, we were to bring stuffing, a green salad, and a jello salad. Melodie helped me out and she was in charge of doing the Frog Eye Salad. She did a great job. We ate around 1:00 down in Corey's parents room. They and Corey's brother Mark had everything set up - 
There were a few different levels of tables - the main adult table below, the seniors in high school and older table above -
And the younger kids were all in the doorway, which was a bonus in this room at the end of the hallway. I don't know if someone asked for this room or if we just got lucky, but it worked out well. Especially since this doorway had tile floor, and the kids spilled on it, so yay, we didn't mess up carpet. 

and the little boys at this table against the wall. 


So that's where everyone ate. The stuffing I made was ok, only I realized as I was making it that the onions that I thought I brought must have been left on the counter at home, cause I couldn't find them anywhere. Mark donated a few of his onions from inside his turkeys. Note: buy stuffing mixes at Costco, NOT Walmart. The Stovetop ones were not good. Yay that I got some Mrs. Cubbison ones at Costco. We had a nice meal and good visit, Hyrum called and I talked to him for a bit. Corey and I both got BeReal today. Here's my first BeReal, yay!
Back in our room - Loving on my beautiful baby - 
After our early dinner, we played games as everyone waited for their tummy's to settle and have room for dessert. 
Playing 5000. Katharine wanted to eat the dice. 

This evening there was more swimming with our cute Katharine!

She's so chubby!
Melodie in Big Sister Heaven!
It's really nice having so many older nieces and nephews around to help watch all of our little kids. Daniel and Owen wanted to go swimming a lot, and thankfully there was always someone willing to take them. After games and swimming, there was a pie buffet provided by Isaac. I took a piece of key lime pie that I'm going to enjoy tomorrow morning. I did a great job not overeating, thanks to Laura Dixon's Thin Holidays podcast, which I thought was so good and helpful for me. Most of my children went to bed feeling full and sick, such as Ethan here...
We joked that he was feeling labor pains. His third thanksgiving feast forced him into his third trimester early. 
The moaning was a bit much, but I get it. It's a tradition to eat yourself sick. I didn't do it though, and I feel so great. I think I'm going to reach a new weight low tomorrow, yay, go me. 

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