Wednesday, November 2, 2022

First Snow and Basement Leak Again

Winter is here. We've had our first big snowfall. After Natalie got home from school, she got Katharine ready and took her outside to show her the white wonderland.

What do you think, Katharine?

Before school, the kids went downstairs to get some snowpants and coats, and that was when I discovered a leak from the fridge once again. Last time it was from a small pinhole in the waterline. This time the waterline burst. Corey installed the water line but it's still not working, but we've had it on and the tube he bought was apparently too thin, so that was why it burst. Oops. So there was a lot more water, and it looked liked it had been going for atleast 2 hours... the carpet was wet wet. 

I went to turn off the water line, but instead I actually turned it on higher, oops, but I kept cleaning in the basement and didn't know I had turned it up until I went upstairs and saw the kitchen floor all wet!  Ahh, now it's flooding upstairs too!! So I worked on that and used every towel in the kitchen, then started a load of laundry and took swim towels downstairs for Corey to use, who had taken over the basement recovery. Bit by bit we started to move things out of the way... First big junk like the bins, chairs... coats, snowpants, dry erase board. I threw a lot of stuff in the trash.
Thankfully Corey and Wes were still home when I discovered the mess and they helped clean it all up. The dumbest part was having to move hundreds of tiny legos off of wet carpet. Thankfully it was all on the unfinished side, but the carpet was soaked, and we just decided to toss it. Corey went and got a razor blade and we cut it into strips and took it out the basement door into the trash. Bit my bit - slice the carpet, roll up, throw out, and move more legos, repeat. The leaf blower was helpful, and a neighbor across the street offered their carpet fan, after I asked if it was ok for us to put carpet in their garbage. That was a blessing and we've had it on all day. Upstairs is still wet too, so I'm keeping a towel on the music room carpet by the fridge. 

The carpet in the finished side did get a little wet. I had to move all the scrapbooks and books and in my discouragement I felt like I to just throw it all away. Just burn it down... 
Wes was very helpful as we put out this fire this morning.
So water is off, and we'll see if we decide to hire someone to come and install the waterline properly or if Corey tries again. 

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