Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Imaging & Last Fall Ride

When Katharine was in utero, they did the gender check ultrasound, and then they had me come in for another ultrasound at 32 weeks for some reason (April 13). I've never gone in for another one that late in the pregnancy before, so I don't know if that is new protocol for all expecting mothers, or if it was special treatment for me cause I'm AMA (Advanced Maternal Age) or just maybe they just thought I should cause I had a miscarriage before K's pregnancy. Anyway, at the 2nd ultrasound, there was something slightly concerning with one of her kidneys, I don't remember what, but it could mean that she would have urinary tract infections, so I took her in for a follow it up in July, and at her 2 month check up they said things looked better, but they wanted another follow up to make sure it was on the downward trend, so we went in and did that today. 

Katharine was PERFECT as always.
She liked all the colorful laser lights in the room. Back at home, being cute with her table, practicing sitting, and smiling and being a little piece of heaven! She's sitting up so good!
She lights up our lives.
Should be snowing tomorrow, so I took one more ride in Corner Canyon by myself after Lily got home from school, and I blew all my past times! It was really easy compared to LCC, which I've done a lot the past few weeks.
Well go me! I impressed myself, and I think I might even be willing to try Clarks again next year. I used to think Clarks was just torture, and I thought the same about the LCC ride, but now I like it, so maybe I'll like Clarks. I'll try it next year and we'll see. 
The leaves were all so pretty on Ghost Falls. 
I'm sad it's over!! 
I did Rush the end twice, and I'm already looking forward to next summer. 
Also had a good visit with Hyrum, he's doing great on his mission, and I'm glad that he's got a lot of older RM siblings giving him advice! Joseph, Mel, and Ethan were all on the call today. 
And here are a few more pics of Katharine being adorable today - 
She can sit and even gave some scooting a go today. She'll be crawling before we know it. Coming closer to get the phone camera in this short, so cute. I love all her little facial expresions.
And silly grin.
we love her.

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