Tuesday, November 22, 2022

School Reports

We are about to head up to Park City for a few days - ready to enjoy Thanksgiving with Corey's parents and siblings. Today was a good day of school and a good send off to the Thanksgiving Break. Sophi had a Native American project due yesterday, and today the parents were invited to come see all the displays. 

There was a cute little down syndrome boy in Sophi's class that was immediately drawn to Katharine and was loving on her, it was really sweet. I believe that special needs children have very special spirits about them. And Katharine being sweet to him in return confirmed that to me once again. 
I was glad that I had gone over there for Sophi's. I followed where other parents were going and learned that Natalie's class was also having their County Fair, so I went in there too. Yay that I get point for showing up for that, even though I didn't know about it! Natalie immediately snatched up Katharine -

Katharine REALLY wanted to learn about Weber County "Let me read it! I want to learn!"
I don't think Katharine made it easier for Natalie to share about her county though...
Natalie didn't seem to mind. 
After I killed a few moments walking around and trying to think of what to ask other kids about their counties, I went back to get Katharine, who had become a full blown distraction for the classroom girls.
It was cute. I came back home to start to try and pack things for Park City. A few other pics from today - Peter sleeping this morning, before I was forced to wake him to go to the school.

Katharine has started solid foods - and this is how I feed her. 
I bend my knees so her arms are loose, but I want to keep them down and unable to grab the spoon. And laying down on the ground allows gravity to help keep the food in her mouth. 

Ok, finishing up this post now - we are up at Park City, our kids favorite place to be. It's fun to have Joseph, Melodie, and Ethan all up here too!
Here's another one so you can see Mel and Corey. 
I got a swimsuit for Katharine at Kid to Kid, such a cute pants! I love how her legs almost form a little heart. She's our favorite.

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