Monday, November 21, 2022

County Poster & The Chosen

Well poor Natalie was on her own doing homework this weekend. I take that back. Lily helped her. I didn't though, until this morning. She had a county report due today, and I helped her work on it this morning. She seemed happy with the finished product. She gets point for neatness, and it looked pretty sloppy and thrown together to me, but whatever.

I decided not to lecture her about doing it in pencil first, getting it all laid out, and THEN gluing it and writing in marker. She already heard me try to give that lecture on Friday and didn't heed or care apparently, so it's fine. She had wanted to go to her uncles house over the weekend to do research. Natalie, you don't even need to do that, then I told her a big surprise: "You've BEEN to Weber County!" Of course from when you've already visited Mark, but you've gone to Pineview and have skiied at Wolf Mountain! She didn't even remember that, but now she knows. (Good think I'm keeping a record.) We printed up those pictures and put them on her poster. I took a picture of it so she can try to learn all this before she gives her oral report tomorrow. As I helped her do work on it this morning, I think I want to go biking up in Eden next summer. Time to explore all these gorgeous Utah mountains. And the bedrooms are now all a mess - Sophi was working on her Navajo report over the weekend too. 
Thus why we didn't do anything fun on Saturday. I made them do homework. We're going to start doing more work on Saturdays. I've put "rake" on the calendar, and on Saturdays from here until forever (weather permitting) both garbage cans are to be filled up with leaves or pine needles every Saturday. And I'm making a list for each kid to do before we leave to Park City tomorrow. 

One other cute thing from this weekend - Lily complains of people reading her journal, and today she found evidence that Natalie has read it, by an illustration and self confession on one of the pages of her journal, by Natalie. 

Lily laughed about it, which is good. 

After Corey left to take Natalie to school, I was cutting my three pink lady apples for the day, and I'm a little protective of them. If any kids want an apple, I'll go get them one of the honey crisp ones, right now all the pink lady ones are mine. Peter must have noticed this change in my behavior, cause he looked at me cutting apples and said "Mom, you’re in charge of apples, and dad's in charge of juice. And I’m in charge of my stuff-es!!" 

I took Sophi and Natalie to violin today, only to learn, once we arrived to a locked door, that we didn't have it today. I was a little sad about that, to spend an hour doing something I didn't need to do. I wasted an hour of my life, so sad. We decided to go to a movie to help me feel better. J/K, we already had plans to go. We went to see The Chosen! It was so good, yay, I'm excited for season 3!! A few neighbors came with us after I threw it out to the study group - Caroline and her daughter Hannah and Bob and Paula. It was fun to talk with them after. I had bought tickets to go for date night on Friday, and then again on Saturday, but then we weren't able to go cause of kids' concerts. It was fun to go tonight! I really liked it, even though Katharine was being a stinker and I had to leave my seat. I didn't leave the theater, but I did let her crawl around on the floor. Not missing the movie was more important to me than her cleanliness. I love The Chosen, it's SO GOOD.

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