Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Soaking It Up

It was a busy day. I took Daniel, Peter and Katharine to a friends house for a b-day party for her 2 year old. It was cute. 

Taking it easy this afternoon with my angel. She doesn't fall asleep on me often, so I was soaking it up. 
I hear that being grandparent is the best, but I don't understand right now how it could top being a mom. I love being the one that she needs.
My baby and me. 
I love these little ones, and I guess it's ok that they grow up, but I sure love it when they are little. 
Baby selfie - 
I enrolled Sophi for Churchill, we talked to Hyrum, then after school Owen had a birthday party at Classis Fun Center, and I went to Walmart with this sweet little face looking up and delighting me the whole time. 

I LOVE HER! I probably looked a little crazy as I made goo goo faces at her. She is the most beautiful thing ever. 

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