Thursday, November 17, 2022

Off to India

At 5AM this morning, I dropped Wesley off at the airport. He is now on his way to India with his "Youth Making a Difference" group. I think they're going to West Bengal? 

He barely got his History class done in time. It was a close call. This kid has a ton of work to still do for school though. He has one more to finish that needs to be done before mid-January. BUT when we signed up for these first four classes, we thought he should be able to finish them by April. And here we are in November. If he keeps up this slow pace, it will be 5 years before he graduates. Come on Wes, you gotta work faster (he's a bit of a visual perfectionist with his notes). Hopefully something in India will help him kick it in gear. 
Wes with the YMAD group. 
Just trying to help these kids. Well, our 13 kids, not the YMAD kids, but I know their parents are all trying to help them too. 
So, yeah, he's on his way to India. He was up late last night packing. He's got some medication that he needs to take, and one of the last things we did was spray his sleeping bag and sheet and one pair of clothes with this spray that will kill lice or something, so that was supposed to be done a week ago to give it time to dry, but we did it yesterday and hopefully it got dry enough outside in the sunshine and cold. He was awake until like 1, then slept until 3:45 when I woke him up. We left home at 4:30 and he was at the airport at 5. I just dropped him off but got those pics from the group. Neither he nor I cried or tried to linger longer or anything - we're getting to be pros at this. 

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