Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wesley In India

Wesley has been in West Bengal, India, for the past few weeks. He left with his YMAD group (Youth Making a Difference) on November 17th. 

They have an instagram page and have shared beautiful pictures of the YMAD kids and the children from the school.
He will be home on Sunday morning, we're excited to see him!!  
We don't doubt that he's had an amazing experience!
I've taken screen shots of all the instgram pictures with Wesley in it - 
But all the photos are beautiful - I love the vibrant colors of everyone's clothes. 
I don't really know what they did there, other then help at a girls' school. 
Wesley leading a song in PE?
Maybe after he gets back I'll come back and update this with names of any of these people. 
But as for me, here's another picture of Wesley and "people"
Did you know that our former neighbor and one of the current 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, Elder D. Todd Chrisofferson, was just in India? He was there in Pune a the World Peace Dome for the unveiling of a statue of Joseph Smith. Pretty cool!
Elder Christofferson was there in 2017 too, accepting a World Peace Prize on behalf of the church. I wonder if Wesley will be called to serve a mission in India! If he does, you heard it here first!

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