Thursday, December 1, 2022

6 Months!

Katharine had her 6 month check up today and got a few shots... How are you feeling, sweet baby? Did your mother let those people poke your pretty legs?

Oh she's so cuuute! Peter knew what was coming for his little sister and was empathetic. She was very brave and only cried for a moment. 
Cute little legs all covered in bandaids. 
Back at home, playing with duplo legos. I got out both bins... I think we need to donate some. This is more than the kids need. 
I cleaned out the locked kitchen pantry today and it looks 100% better and more organized. I got a lot done after we were back, cause K took a good nap. I had a great day, and I think climbing in the morning helps, cause it helps me start my day off thinking "Oh yeah! I did it!" I did the blue V1, the purples, and my first time getting to the top of the red!
I did better on the yellow V1 but didn't get to the top of that yet, but I did a lot of other problems! I like that these different routes are called "problems" - I got to the top of my problems today! I think the All In podcast with Jenedy Paige was one of the things that helped us get into climbing. Another thing was that Wesley went to Momentum with his YMAD group for an activity and loved it, so Corey at first bought 2 week passes for him and Wesley to go. They got to bring a guest and I went once, and yeah, it's fun! And I like that I'm already feeling stronger. Today after my hands were done and I was ready to leave, I was walking out and saw the pink V1 and paused, then decided to try it, and I did it, first time, even with tired hands. And that one was too hard for me to do last Saturday. Just keep trying, get a little better and a little stronger each day, and soon enough maybe we'll be climbing V5s (although looking at those now, they seem impossible!) Little by little, get a little better each day.

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