Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve

Hello, it's just past 4:30 am, I'm about to head to bed and will update this more tomorrow hopefully. Notes I took for myself: 

3:17 am, I was finally able to get away from Katharine. I didn't set an alarm to wake up and set out the gifts, I just knew that, since she just sucks the lifeblood out of me all night, I would be woken up before morning

3:18 - going to officially label the presents with code like Corey does

3:35 - on 8B, Katharine is fussing 

3:41 - K awake, playing on the floor

4:05-  box 1 done, I'm not doing codes anymore, I'm tired and it's stupid

4:20 - stockings done

4:30 - box 2 of stuff out, I'm heading back to bed. Joseph sleeping by the side room tree. He probably heard me but that's ok.

Kids having their annual sleepover under the Christmas tree.
Hello. Merry Christmas. Kids have had a good time but I'll finish writing about yesterday. At 11 o'clock I went to my parents house where we did a zoom call and gave my parents a gift - 
My older sis in Indiana put it all together, shipped it to Beka, and Beka and I were there for the unwrapping. 
It was a blanket with photos of all of us.
My siblings all sending love to each other before we sign off - Giving hearts to each other. It took us a second to have it arranged so that the hearts were all correct on someone's phone - they took a screen shot for the group. For most of us the hearts were messed up, cause the videos were in different orders on each phone. Funny.
During my growing up years, my parents would put us to work at Christmas decorating the trees. There were like 20 trees of different sizes and all sorts of themes. Now things are more simple at the Hibbert household -
We enjoyed time with Corey's family at the annual Wride get together. Grandma had fun new glasses this year!

Family talent show - 

Ethan playing his Synthesis number.

Wes did his ukulele Elvis song (minus the sherwani outfit).

Good stuff. 

Then the saran wrap ball game. Some people had all the luck, and others had no luck at all. 
Peter was one of the no luck rollers. 

Most of the prizes were little toys that only little boys would like anyway, so Peter made out with a lot of loot anyway.
So it was good. Then we all headed home early to try and get kids to bed early and finish the last touch ups for Christmas morning. I still had work, but didn't finish it before bed. Hence my early early morning. My room was clean a few days ago until I started to get Christmas stuff ready and wrapped. Now it's a mess. Katharine was by one of the bins of presents pulling herself up, it looked like she was bouldering!
She pulled herself all the way up!!! 
Katharine, you are a natural climber! You sent it! Woo-hoo! She was so pleased with herself, but then she lost her grip and rolled over onto the floor. Gotta work on her ankle strength. It's so fun seeing them learn new things.

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