Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas! It was a happy day. Kids playing with Katharine and enjoying time together. 
They enjoyed their sleepover in the front room under the tree. 
They ate the treats in their stockings. After Corey and I got up, Corey gave everyone the letter that Hyrum wrote to them. 
In the letter to Corey, Hyrum let him know that it took him FOREVER to write everyone.
...followed by "You have a lot of kids."
Then it was the moment they'd all been waiting for and they opened gifts from each other. the kids drew names for Secret Santa over Thanksgiving, and it was supposed to be: J - A, M - Eth, E - Wes, W - lily, A - Joseph, L - Mel, S - O, N - S, O - D (Lily help), D - N (Abi help), and P and K did not participate. Ethan didn't buy Wes anything, but I had a gift that I let Ethan pay for and he gave that to Wes - a metal earth SL Temple, which Wes loves. After opening the first present and putting the wrapping in the trash, Natalie jumped up and grabbed it from the trash "Don’t throw that away! That bow is still useful!” Uh oh - she might be her mother's daughter. Two other quotes from today - Corey and people talking about India - “it’s a different world…” Ethan- “There are a lot of different worlds in this world...” haha. Also, Corey warning the children "The more you complain, the more your mother will laugh." Some highlights of the gifts: Sophi gave Wesley a coupon book - 
Some of the coupons will be very helpful. Most of the gifts were just regifting personal items, or someone else's items that they found. 
Joseph put Katharine in his Christmas sweater that he got in a thrift store in Guatemala. She didn't like it.
Mel gave Ethan a poor student discount plan but disguised it as digital Trump cards as a joke. It looked pretty legit that it really was Trump cards, so funny!
He wasn't very excited to get digital Trump trading cards.
Everyone knew what it really was, haha.
We've enjoyed having Ethan's pet fish Sushi here over the break. He's a nice fish. Abi gifted Ethan some of her fish's former belongings, on loan until Sushi dies or Abi gets a fish. 
Then to the side room for more presents. 
Lego sets...

The mission books for JME were a hit. The only problem we realized was that some of Ethan's photos must not have downloaded onto his blog, so there were a few weeks that were missing the photos. I don't know if he'll get it reprinted sometime, but I don't think I'll redo it, unless I give it to him again for Christmas next year. I'll let him decide if he just wants to make do or if he wants to pay for it himself. 
Joseph looking at the photo of him, on the side room tv, wearing the same sweater, just two years ago. 
Peter liked the Spidey and his amazing friends cars that Wesley chose for him at Costco.
At one point, Daniel was crying cause he couldn't carry all his stuff. We were laughing at the first world problem. Joseph went to help him. 
We went to church for just an hour today, for a special musical Christmas program. Sophi and a group of girls sang one of the numbers.
Katharine wore her pjs to church. But with a bow and pearls!
A photo from someone in San Diego who was taking care of Hyrum today. 
It had been an early day for Peter, and he fell asleep during church. 
We went over to Corey's parents house around 1 and enjoyed lunch/dinner over there, visiting, and more gift giving.
Katharine being sweet and beautiful.
Talking to Hyrum!
Playing with more presents. 

Back at home - basking in the Christmas fun explosion. 
Wesley helped Owen build his Ninjago temple lego set, it was pretty cool. It reminded Wesley of Avatar. 
I'm glad I've been able to sneak in some blogging up here (Today is actually 2/26/23 but I truly am grateful I was able to sneak in blogging, yay, I'm almost done with December!) Time for bed soon. Katharine with a tiny bottle of sparkling apple cider that I stole from my parents. Merry Christmas. 

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