Saturday, December 10, 2022

Cookie Exchange

Our little cookie exchange tonight went pretty well I think! 
The kids did an ok job helping me today. They mostly kicked it in gear at 4:00, which was when I had done enough and was done trying to get help, so I left to go climb while they finished. I was back by 5 for some finishing touches. Lily stayed home and was super helpful. 
Mel was here for a little bit until she had to leave to take Abi to her GMS concert. It wasn't too crazy here, and at one point I had a total lull in activity. I had a nice visit with Kim and Jason and their girls, Caroline and Peter, Tom and his girls, Julie, and Stacey. Lovely Katharine
I did a little photo shoot by the Christmas tree. 
She's so cute.
It might have gotten crazy across the street. She had some people at her house that didn't come over here. I made sure my visitors knew to go to both houses, so I'm not sure if some of the people over there thought it was just at one or the other or what, but that's ok. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it an 8. The only thing that would have made it better here was if more people had come by. The cookies were tasty, especially Liz's sugar cookies! I need to her get recipe. I think hers were the best. Abi made some coco quickies, and I also got some cookies from Costco and sugar cookies from Schmidt's bakery (I cheated... Liz baked all of hers!)

Abi enjoyed her sleepover at BYU with Mel and now Melodie is home from college for a few days. Finals are next week, but she doesn't have one until Wednesday. She came up just in time for her birthday on Monday! AND we took advantage of her presence by having her help us out with getting kids to their activities. Abi had a flute recital from 4-6, so Mel took Abi down. It worked out great, because Abi's current teacher is Mel's former flute professor at BYU. On their way home, they decided to go get some fast food, and drove by a cemetery that had a lovely lit up tree. They couldn't help themselves and had to go check it out - 
Selfie time!
Laughing as they did a Christmas photo shoot - 
Being silly - 
Mel showing off her flexibility - 
I'm going to be able to do the splits someday.
I think that they are two very pretty ladies.

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