Friday, December 9, 2022

GMS Chamber

Corey and I went to Lily's Chamber recital tonight. 

She did a wonderful job. It was a lot smaller group than I thought it would be. There were just 3 kids in her chamber group: 2 violinists and Lily on clarinet. 

They are taking video submissions for people that want to join it in January. She said adults can join! Hmm, maybe Sophi and I can join it together! I wonder if I could pull that off, or if Katharine is still to little. Something to think about. Video submissions are due Jan 9th or something. I shall ponder that. 

After her performance, we went out to eat together at Beaumont Bistro. We barely got there before they closed, yay. 

Here's a cute picture of Katharine from earlier today. Natalie got her to sleep on the couch, so cute. 

Abi went down to BYU last night and slept over with Mel and spent the day there with her today. 
Abi trying out a bass flute!
So they had a sleep over there last night, and they both came back up tonight cause they are going to another GMS thing tomorrow. Holidays are a busy time for musicians.

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