Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Henna and Cute K

Wesley brought back some Henna stuff from India. He's been making art on his siblings. Little boys like little boy designs - 

It's a great way to get them to all hold still and be quiet - they are still during the procedure so Wes can draw, and we tell them to stay still after so it can dry. Peter with spiderman on his chest and a dinosaur on his arm.
Daniel wanted a dinosaur too. Wes is a good artist.

Corey said that this trip to India that Wes just had was all fun and some work, but not the work that the adults put in who are helping out the kids. So in that way this was good but was different than what an LDS mission experience would be. Wes was enjoying free oj that someone else did most of the work for - someone else did the work planning and organizing and even paying for - Wes trip was mostly paid for by the money Hyrum earned before his trip got cancelled in 2020 with covid. So, Corey wanted Wes to learn that "In life, you want to make sure that the juice is worth the squeeze" by having Wes make some fresh orange juice.

It took 4 oranges to get Corey an 8 oz cup of juice. Usually it's us parents that do all the squeeze in life, so this was a nice way to have Wes do a little bit of the work. It's nice having him back home! He said he doesn't need anything for Christmas! "We already have so much..." "The girls there didn't have anything, yet they were so sweet and so happy, you don't need stuff to be happy" Yay, mission accomplished. I agree. Happiness doesn't come from things. It comes from gratitude for what we do have - for our relationships and for the beautiful things in this world, like cute babies! 

Haha, lately, Katharine has been cracking us up with her overactive tongue. Little video of her here. This morning she got a little taste of Wesley's oranges, she likes it!

Silly baby.
Natalie and Sophi were watching Katharine this morning while I was climbing at Momentum. I went yesterday by myself and got my first flapper (ripped off callous). I went with Lily this morning before school and I was able to climb carefully with a bandaid, and I super glued it back on. When I came in, I saw her up on Natalie's head with Sophi keeping the Cocomelon video in front of Katharine's face. "Natalie, don't carry her like that!" "It's ok mom! I've never dropped her!" 
They make me nervous! Katharine also always make me laugh when she puts her binky in upside down. 

Well find her in her supersaucer like this - 
So silly! 
Katharine practicing piano - She's our favorite.
And a cute little smile. 
She's our favorite. A few other things from today - I made a "Oh What Fun It Is To Wride" banner that I put in the kitchen - one piece of our party prep (before the cookie exchange on Saturday). And Lily had her Christmas concert at school. 

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