Thursday, December 8, 2022

Shots & Boosters

We all went and got our flu shots and COVID boosters today. Well, all of us except for Katharine, cause she already got hers! 

She was rubbing it in the whole time! 

Just kidding, she was an angel, as always. One of the kids picked out a sticker for her - says "I'M IN CHARGE". Very appropriate. 

Oh she's so pretty. She's the little princess of our family, and we are all at her beck and call. I picked up all the kids from school, left at 1 to get Abi and Lily, then back for the elementary kids, then all of us to the pediatric clinic. Corey and Wes drove over from the Salt mine. I smiled at seeing ALL the kids playing with the little bead wire maze roller coaster thing. 

Facemasks for everyone, now just the toddlers at the toy. 
It wasn't too long of a wait, considering that the poor nurse lady had to go prepare over 20 needles for us - covid and flu for all 10 of us, plus Sophi needed two others, Natalie one other, and I think Wes got three too. Family selfie!
Good news - although Abi was super worked up and was about to run out of the room, I was able to restrain her and make her breathe, and she didn't pass out this time! A few tears were shed, and she HATES shots, but she remained conscious the whole time this time, way to go ABI! 

The older kids are finishing up school at BYU. Last classes are this week, and then finals next week, and then they will be come for the holidays. Joseph it out skiing in Colorado for some medical trip this week. Sent us a pic - 

And for my cookie exchange party hosting prep today, I cleaned off the front porch, cleaned up in the basement (getting books off the stairs that were put there after the last basement water mess), AND this morning I finished making a little sign, inspired by one that Uncle Mark had at his house last Christmas Eve - "Oh what fun it is to Wride!" ~ isn't that fun? We've become a verb. It IS fun to Wride.

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