Monday, December 19, 2022


My airpods pros have been missing since Dec 4th, and today I was cleaning my room and I finally found them! I had left them in the pants pocket of some pants that I (apparently) haven't been wearing since December 4th. I didn't put them on, but I did have the thought that maybe I had left them in a pair of pants, so I looked and yay, behold, there they were. I was grateful that I didn't leave them in a pant pocket and then WASH the pants! That would have been very sad, and I doubt they would have survived going through the wash a second time. Katharine likes the size and smoothness of my back up airpods. These belong to a Kevin Hughes, who lost them near the canyon. If you know him, let him know I have them, minus one of the earbuds. Katharine - don't eat those! They might not survive your slobber either

I am glad to have my airpods back so I can listen to more podcast while I clean. I cleanedmy room all day while Joseph took an MCAT practice test in my room - you can see him at the desk behind me.

I also got this new case at a white elephant gift exchange with Corey's family on Saturday, so I was glad to get to put that to use, yay. This one holds on better than the black case. Abi and Lily still have school for 3 more days, so after I took Lily to Jazz band this morning, I went climbing at Momentum by myself, I did the purple V1 from Friday without touching anything but purple!!! Then I did a few that I've sent before and then after that I did the Orange V1!!! No one witnessed it but then I did it again tonight with Corey and Joseph watching. Yayyyy I am very pleased with myself! Yahoo

My dad's birthday was on Saturday, and I was thinking of him throughout the day but never got around to calling. And then another time I remembered but then it was too late to call, so I sent a text to wish him a happy day and I also told him that I was teaching on Sunday if he and mom wanted to come. He didn't reply, but I was delighted when I heard their voices as I sitting there before class started. So that was delightful. It was really fun when they and my siblings came to the lesson I taught in July on Natalie's birthday and Katharine's baby blessing. Good stuff. It was great having them there was we talked about the take aways from this year after studying the Old Testament. Some of my take aways were to "FEAR NOT" - God is there, we just need to learn to trust him. I also liked how in chapter 3 of Malachi, he talked about a book of Remembrance. I shared how the Book of Mormon is "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" and in the same way, (this was a thought from Jenedy Paige in the All In podcast) as we record the interactions WE have with Christ in OUR daily lives, our own personal journals can become OUR own testaments of Jesus Christ as we testify of his wonderous workings in our lives. We need to keep our own records to be our Books of Remembrance - Malachi 3:16 . I shared this quote by Benjamin Franklin.

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing." - that was how I quoted it to the class, correct quote above. Better to write your own story rather than hope someone else is inspired by you and writes about you. I am glad that I keep this blog and am keeping a record. My mom shared how sometimes she likes Nephi's frustration when he asked his brothers "How is it?!?!?" And that is the same way God felt toward the children of Israel: "I have loved you!" and they were ungrateful and couldn't see or feel God's love for them, despite how he demonstrated it over and over again. We need to be grateful, and if we are, we will be happy and we will see clearly. God offered his BEST for us - his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. We will offer our best back to Him, and not (as my dad commented) not the blind and the lame and things that aren't really a sacrifice for us. So that was yesterday and was a real treat. We can do ANYTHING with God's help. I also shared some thoughts from a teacher improvement class last Sunday at Church that Corey and the Sunday School  presidency shared. It was really good. They talked about the Learning Pyramid

If we want people to remember what we teach - it's good to involve them (discussion!) but even better, have them teach it!!! Have them teach others! We can teach our families - write down our testimonies and teach our children, leave our story for our families. So that was on my mind all last week, and I found some more thoughts along those lines today - 

Owen with a paper he made at church yesterday, reminding him of our family and each of our direct connection to God, we are his children and we can return to live with him and grow to become like Him! What a miracle!

Today I had a treat too - I took the whole hour long violin lesson to myself! The last lesson I had was in May before Katharine was born. I finally made time to practice this past week, and Sophi helped me with Minuet, and I was able to get enough of it down that I knew Miss Amy would be able able to see the places that I need to work to fine tune. I like the violin. 

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