Sunday, December 18, 2022

My Blog of Remembrance

Happy Sabbath. Mel and Abi got Peter ready for church. They dressed him up like a little Alfalfa.

Posing for Mel's BeReal.
That's what I get for asking my girls to help get the boys ready for church.
He could pull it off. I let him keep the outfit but tamed down the hair. 
Peter was one of the reverence examples for church today, and he looked so cute. 
Daniel and Peter helping us remember to be reverent and remember the Savior before we partake of the sacrament.
So I taught Sunday School today. It was fun. I had a good surprise - I was getting ready when I heard two familiar voices in the hall - my parents came! Yesterday was my dad's birthday, and I sent a late b-day text and said sorry for not calling, but invited them to come if they could. The Lesson was on Malachi and it was so fun. I loved listening to Unshaken this week and Follow Him and Teaching with Power and Real Talk... all the podcasts are just so good! I feel like we have been armed with the Power of God since covid hit. There are so many resources online now, what a blessing. A lot of my lesson focused on realizing how much God has done for us, how much he HAS "loved us" (Malachi 1:2), and encouraging us to apply that in our lives by writing down what the Lord has done.
I encouraged them to write down their experiences and to keep a book of remembrance for our children, of our testimonies of God's great love shown to us (Malachi 3:16). I'm really grateful that I've been able to blog and keep a little family history here online for my kid. I know it will be a treasure for them when they are older. And it is kinda therapeutic for me right now too. :)
Our happy baby in her Sunday best.
After church, Corey and the kids worked on getting Christmas treats ready for our neighbors.
Abi was a good helper.
The older kids helped too. They are home for the holidays (well, a little bit... it will be off and on for Joseph and Ethan, who both still have employment down in Provo.)
Christmas treats moment capture in Joseph's BeReal.
One more week until Christmas! 

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