Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Violin Service Concerts

Today Sophi and Natalie had their violin service concerts. First we went to a senior center in Murray. Natalie in the front, the third girl on the left, Sophi in the row behind them on the right

They did a lovely job performing their pieces. I had Peter and Katharine in tow. 
They did a pretty good job just making do with the entertainment available to them (the floor and my chapstick).
Katharine really enjoyed the chapstick. I thought that picture above was so funny. 
It kept her quite entertained, and I think she entertained some of the senior folk.
They did good. 
Next we went to the Jordan Valley School. 
And they did a great job there too. That crowd was a bit more lively. I felt like I was at home trying to get kids to listen for scriptures!
It was actually pretty fun, I was laughing cause I felt like I was at home. Kids would randomly burst out screaming or in laughter. One kid sat like he was listening and then would jump up and high tail it for the exit, and the teachers were like "No, sit, stay, listen!" That's my life.

Yesterday we got a lot of snow. Daniel and his friend Avery and Peter outside for an adventure.
After shovelling and show-blowing a lot of snow yesterday, Corey Wes and I went climbing. I did the yellow V1 for the first time!! Wes did some V3s like this totally upside down hanging one! 
Corey did his first V2, we were there for over an hour, good stuff. Today no one was in carpool except Lily, so she and I went after school. And she did the yellow V1 too! Go Lily!
She and I had a contest on the new pink V1 on the south boulder, she was ahead of me but then I tied her. Climbing is really fun. Here's a cute picture of Katharine yesterday, with her binky upside down - I think it's sooo cute and funny.
A few other items for documentations sake... Item #1) I ordered Hyrum a tie for Christmas. Had Amazon ship it straight to him in CA. My packages and letters to him haven't been very impressive if they've existed at all (since we talk to him, I don't really write at all, sad.) But I did send a package with our neighbor and my butterfly friend Terry, cause they were going to San Diego for a cruise and know Hyrum's mission president, so they were going to go by and see Pres Merrit and said they could take him a package, so we got that ready and sent it with them last week. Item #2) We sold the kid car (the Fiesta) to Ethan, and right after we did, it needed a new transmission, so Corey helped Ethan with getting that arrange and we paid for that and took the cost of it out of the selling price, to give E a better deal on it for his taxes, hopefully that's allowed. And finally item #3) today I got a text from Corey after he confronted/had a talk with Wes about his sleeping hours, lack of school work, etc, and about what Corey found on his computer this morning, and Wes handed over a usb drive with some things on it. He's has stashes. We are careful with the internet, but us being careful doesn't matter if he's determined to get around it. He had borrowed my phone to check team snap for hockey or watch videos for school, but instead looked up things that he shouldn't have and took videos of it with his phone recording from my phone. It was supposedly from a while ago, and once he deleted them, then remembered they were there and undeleted. So much of the time on his computer, when we thought he was doing school work, he hasn't been. He admitted to Corey that he hasn't been doing much of anything for the past many days. Corey fears it has taken root in his heart. Wes hasn't been passing the sacrament or taking it for a while. Corey asked if W wanted to give it up, and W said not really. We're worried and praying for him. He's a senior in age but barely a junior in what he still needs to do to graduate. So now I will not let him borrow my phone unless I sit right by him and see everything until he's done checking or watching whatever, and Corey is going to sit right by him during their work days from now on where Corey can see his screen. Wes has a month to finish his English class, the last of his FIRST four classes that he was SUPPOSED to be done with in April. At this rate, Wes will graduate high school in 5 years. He has 20 more classes to do after this. They worked on an essay today, but Corey said W had a blank stare and Corey was spoon feeding him, but W wasn't hungry. Praying for strength and help to get this boy through this and ready for life on his own.

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