Friday, December 16, 2022

Baby Reindeer

We've having a festive week before Christmas. Well, not really, but K did look cute sporting these green antlers. 

She's holding my ear with her right hand. 

She likes to do that. It helps her cope with stress. Like the stress that builds up from her little older brothers carrying her around the house. I think she doesn't feel very safe with them. 

So she's either holding on to me really tightly via ear, or she's pinching my ear as payback. Here are our BeReals today - The little boys wrapping presents (I need to hide the wrapping paper or they're going to use it all up before I start my wrapping...)

Wes sitting side by side with Corey. Wes is "under his thumb!" Stay in school... stay in school. 

And here at home today, Daniel thought it would be helpful if he labeled the doors for us. In blue permanent marker. You know, just in case there was any confusion about what room is what... We have two "Kllosit" doors... 

Two "gols" rooms, both were labeled...

Mom and Dad's room, He didn't label the bathroom, prob cause that door is always open. And last but not least, the "basy" room where "gols" are not allowed to enter. 

Daniel said he did that to stop Abi from stealing Wesley's clothes. Very thoughtful, Daniel. We were scrubbing for a while. Luckily it was nice and small penmanship. 

Peter watching for moral support. Note to self: hairspray works on leather, but not on walls. It makes the mess worse on walls and doors. 

Mel went back for her finals on Tuesday. She was late for a "surprise party" that Joseph and her roommates tried to do, but she got a decent cake and party today. Joseph pulled a party popper that almost gave her a heart attack.

Wes making a Keva tower for Peter.

Katharine liked eating the keva blocks. She is getting better at crawling. She gets around pretty well. We joked that she is a beginner level climbing, she's a VB - B for baby.

I went to Momentum every day this week! I don't know if I'll go tomorrow, I probably need to give my palms a break. Yesterday Wes and I went climbing in the morning. We learned that they have bags of chalk that you can borrow, yay. We tried the new hot pink V1 first, which might not have been the best idea cause then my forearms were done. Wes was able to do it. Seems impossible to me.

I still couldn't do the orange V1, it's so awkward. I'll try that first thing next time. I got further on the purple V1 of the north boulder yesterday, and today I did it, but I did briefly touch an orange hold with my foot, but I'm counting it. Katharine went out with us on our date tonight. We went to Stratford Proper. It was good. She was cute eating Corey's leftover pizza crust. 

It was perfect for her - a sourdough crust with just the right toughness and chewiness that it held itself together while she gummed at it.

And with her binky upside down! I love it, so cute!

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