Sunday, January 1, 2023

Church at Brighton

Hello 2023! We are back home after a wonderful day up at Brighton. The kids and I slept over there, We went to church at Brighton. Church was at 8:30, so I got up at 7 and started to rouse the troops. My cute bedmates -
The rest of the kids all camped out in the main room - 
Owen apparently slept in the swing! Funny
Daniel lost his sleeping bag sometime during the night. Wes stole it mid-night when he saw that Daniel wasn't using it.
Church today at Brighton was wonderful. There is so much snow. Our friends said that it has basically snowed non stop for two weeks up here - and granted their cabin is on a hill, but the snow outside was up well past the window!
But worship must prevail! So we all bundled up and headed out for a walk. Little kids got to take a ride in the monster truck, which included me and K.

I loved the messages today. It wasn't fast and testimony meeting, just regular speakers. I took Katharine out to feed her, and didn't find the mothers' room, but I could hear in the primary room so I nursed her in there. I had left my phone in the chapel so I couldn't take notes, but thankfully I was able to take notes with the chalk on the chalkboard there, cause there was good stuff shared. Since it is January 1st, of course a lot of the messages were about Goals and our intentions for the new year. So, from my notes: Church was at 8:30. First speaker was a guy, he quoted Bob Goff, a book called "Love Does: Discovering a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World" (Sounds so good!) "I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I'm more afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter." And the quote from above "Make a difference by getting to the DO part of faith. Next speaker was a lady - Jehovah means "He will be what tomorrow demands." She encouraged us to let God Prevail by 1-2) missed those 3) Stop hesitating 4) be true to what YOU have been told (personal revelation!) 5) Raise your standards and lower your expectations. 6) Gather ALL people. God celebrates your efforts. And this was the big thing that she said that I think I need to apply  to my life this year - 

Do not cling to old ways as you step into the new year. 

God - "I know the plans I have for you." Listen to the word of God's prophets. Almost all revelation in scripture that we have is the result of a questions, so ASK QUESTIONS! Pres Nelson in Oct 2020 - Satan blurst he lines between what is true and what is not. God needs peacemakers willing to REASON with others rather than contend. We need to be those peacemakers. All of President Nelsons invitations are basically inviting us to BE BETTER and to LIVE BETTER. 

So those were my notes. The "Do not cling to old ways" made me think of clutter, and things from my past that I'm holding on to - sewing projects, paints, lots of papers full of exercise plans, cleaning systems, other ideas... let them go and start fresh and NOW with the things that God is telling me to do NOW. So church was great, then back to monster van - 
and to the cabin to pack up and try to dig ourselves out of the snow that fell the past 14 hours - it was deep! Of course this is 2 months worth of snow behind me... 
But just from overnight there was so much that Corey's car was buried. 
Lily and her friends cleared off the tops and then we went out to dig around the tires.
Enjoying a few last minutes in the warm cabin - reading and resting. 
A few of the kids wore their pajamas to church. 
The kids stayed in the nice warm cabin while I went out to help in the snow. Katharine enjoying a cookie - 
When the cars were finally free, BeReal went off and Ethan took a pic - 
We successfully backed out the car, were able to open the doors, loaded up belongings, then kids, and then the older kids wanted to go sledding one last time - 
I took their picture as I drove behind them. They made it down and then were going to walk a bit, but instead I kept driving and pulled them behind. 
Ethan took a video and re-did his BeReal. I guess you have to apologize to the BeReal community if you re-do your original BeReal, cause that is not being real! So with an apology he deleted it and it was worth it! Best BeReal of his life - Him, Joseph, Mel, and Wesley all making a train behind the car. 
It was epic. Fun memories. Back in the car, not enough seatbelts for everyone, and not enough room with pillows and sleds etc. The kids were all squished - Lily, Daniel, and Peter got a ride down with the Morgans, Sophi and Owen were squished in the back - Joseph Ethan and Wes were sitting tight next to Katharine's carseat...
Mel in the front, whew! And with that we were on our way and we made it down the canyon safe and sound. 
It's good to be back home. What a fun weekend! Corey and Natalie were well at home - he came home last night with her cause he had to be at church in our ward today and cause Natalie was feeling sick. Corey's BeReal.
We're looking forward to a great and wonderful 2023.

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