Tuesday, January 3, 2023


Corey and the kids went skiing at Snowbird today - Owen, Abi, and Sophi - 

It looks like they were in two or three groups. Girls, big boys, and prob Corey with the little boys. Here is Joseph, Sophi, Mel, and Abi...

And Wes, Ethan, J's friend Ben and Joseph.
Corey with Peter on the magic carpet - 
There was some come and go between the groups. The boys ready to go down some hill that was probably a black diamond and freaky steep and scary. 

Not much more for me to say about it since I wasn't there. I did make them sandwiches this morning. CWALSODP let in Corey's car, then JME and Ben in the van. I got word this morning that the van was stuck. I didn't warn them that the van should not be trusted on a snowy canyon road. He got stuck when he was doing a u turn, then people said "You can't park there!" and he said "I know!" A police officer came and helped him get out - and thankfully didn't give him a ticket for driving a car that didn't have chains or 4 wheel drive. I spent the day with my angel Katharine. Natalie put her down for a nap on the couch. I thought the clip on earrings was a nice touch.

Pretty baby.

I stayed home with Natalie and Katharine. Natalie is still feeling sick, but she finally kept some food down at lunch when I made her a strawberry smoothy with whipped cream topping. After they were home from skiing, Corey took the kids out to eat at there with his Christmas cash from his mom. Natalie was feeling better by then and joined everyone at Chuck A Rama. I fed Katharine in the car while they ate and then we joined them for a visit at the end. 

Cute Katharine!

Corey, that was very nice of you to treat the kids to a buffet dinner. 
It looks like they all enjoyed it!
Jello and slurpees, fries and ice cream sundaes.

After Chuck a Rama, Mel took Natalie and Sophi to watch the Little Mermaid at Hale Theater. And it's back to reality tomorrow. It should have been back to reality today for the elementary kids, but we blew it off since the older kids don't start until tomorrow and we felt the family time was more important. We love moments like this with all the kids - scriptures last night - 

Katharine asleep on Wes yesterday morning at 4:50 am. 
Cute squishy little face. She woke up while I was out clearing the driveway before Wesley had to leave for hockey practice. Thanks Wes, go team. Looks like Katharine should still be in bed. So should I! 
She was feeling fine the rest of the day. Here's a funny video of her eating the phone, haha.  We love family time and loved being with all the kids over the break! The college kids will be here through Saturday, school starts on Monday for them. It's been good.

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