Saturday, January 7, 2023

Irish Twins

Today was a full day with a lot of different things going on. One of those things was a little birthday celebration for Joseph and Melodie. Since they were down at school for Mel's bday, it was a cake for both of them to share. An early b-day for Joseph, a little late for Mel. They are my year 2000 Irish twins - Joseph in January and Melodie in December of the same year. 

It's their little claim to fame/"interesting thing about me" fact that they can use when the occasion permits. So that was a fun addition to the day. 
These two pics are Melodie's BeReal capturing the moment - 
We gave Joseph his present early, since they'll be back at school on Monday. Corey got Joseph a bike rack, and we're hoping to not hear about how cheap and unthoughful we are anymore (one year Joseph asked for our old keyboard piano, and I said sure, then asked if that could count as his b-day gift. I recognized there is a lot of room for improvement on my part.). I've been thinking of some other ideas of what we can do for our college kids or missionaries when as they have birthdays. So far I've come up with taking college kids out to eat. Maybe I'll be a new birthday lady and will show up with cake and ice cream like my mom does. I'm not sure I could keep up with doing as many presents as she does. I need simple, just cause I'm dealing with a large number of birthday every year. I shall ponder more. 

So this morning, Natalie and Sophi had a violin workshop with Michael McLean. And I admit that I've been confusing him with the Forgotten Carols Michael McLean, but I'm pretty sure now that it's a different Michael McLean. The guy at the workshop looked much younger than 71, so... I didn't know there would be two that are both musical and composers, but they're not the same guy. When our violin teacher told us that it was Michael McLean that was at the Willow Lake concert playing with the kids, I was confused with myself that I didn't recognize him. So, glad I finally figured that out - two different guys. 

I went over to my parents house for a bit while they were at the workshop, because it was close to my parents house, and I wanted to take some time to help my dad set up an online journal. So that was fun. Took this photo of a photo they had on the wall - my cute family from years ago.

Corey took the kids away today to climb at the Lehi Momentum while I had Abi and Mel here to help me clean, but instead we mostly wasted time. Here's a video Mel made. There were recordings of each of us looking sad, but we chose Abi's cause it was best. Someday, prob after the resurrection, I will be like a Shen Yun dancer and I will be able to flip and bend like all the beautiful dancers in the SharkCookie shorts. I could watch those all day. So we were SUPPOSED to be cleaning up before a small social gathering with some of our high school friends came over at 5, and we started making progress around 4:30. We had a fun visit with our friends and it was fun for our kids to join in the conversation. 
We are NOT the only ones among our friends who has a one year old child! Benji and Suzette have a baby too! ...but today was the baby's birthday, so they actually didn't end up coming. Maybe Katharine  made it happen cause she didn't want to risk sharing her "cutest baby in the house" position with anyone. 

After our friends went home, we went climbing at 9pm - Corey, Ethan, Wes and I. Good stuff. I should go back and look at how many I sent this week. Climbing is fun. This week was a good start to 2023. It's going to be a good year. 

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