Friday, January 6, 2023

Still Learning

Happy Friday. Katharine sucking her tounge as she slept yesterday

So funny and cute. Google just informed me that it's called "flutter sucking". Well, we survived the first week back at school. We were lucky that it was only 4 days (3 days for Abi and Lily) to help ease us into it. I'm kinda struggling though. Winter blues are real. Lack of early sunlight makes it harder to rise in the morning with a spring in my step right. Christmas recovery also makes it hard. It's been great having the older kids home, but things have just been thrown off. Too much skiing and fun = dishes and laundry piling up. It's like everyone thinks they are on vacation or something. ha. Well, we are, but we gotta kick it in gear. Here are my dishes after lunch yesterday. Too many dishes. But before I can attack the dirty dishes, gotta unload the clean. 
I need to minimize and simplify things. Or we need to stop paying tithing so that there WILL be room to receive. Haha, just kidding, but sometimes when I think of Malachi 3:10, I joke the promise that there will not be room enough to receive all the blessings God has for us is a bad thing. I want to have room! I don't like my life to be this overflowing. Got it unloaded, and then my baby was done waiting... she's coming for me. 
Guess I'll load later. Maybe I can have an older kid do it. You know what, that is what I need to do. I need to get the kids to help. They unload sometimes but never load. Ok, I just wrote it out and now it's on the fridge. Sunday through Saturday is Wes/Peter, Abi, Sophi, Me, Lily, Natalie, and Corey/Owen/Daniel on Saturday. We can do this, just one day a week, please children, help us out. Katharine got my leg, then it was game over for me doing chores. I've been able to pass her on to the kids sometimes. Mel has been a great helper. 
I guess we've all been wasting a little bit of time. I've been sending Melodie lots of hair clips on instagram, cause she has such long hair, we might be able to do lots of fun styles on her! So we played hair for a bit today. Mel captured it on her BeReal... 6:20 pm...
I've been thinking and talking with Nicole about this upcoming year, and our goals. It's about ME. And then thinking of Elder Ballard's talk that I shared with the kids about Heavenly Father's goals for us: to Return and Receive, and then I just started listing all sorts of single words that had RE in them that went along with my thoughts recently (after my lesson on Malachi about record keeping and books of rememberance...) We got Record, Remember, REDUCE (minimize and simplify!) REFLECT (I need to/want to coach myself everyday, Reject negative thoughts, Realize and be aware of thoughts that I do want, that serve me, REPENT, Read! Reach up to God, I know he is reaching down to me. Yeah, so these are some of my RE words. 
Me and RE in 2023. For date night, Corey and I went to India House, we talked about how I'm kinda annoyed/tired of waking up the kids every morning. I actually don't mind waking them up, IF they would actually get up, but going back 2-3 times to make sure they are up is stupid. They often say that they don't hear their alarms. So on our way home, we went and picked up 3 of these bad boys - 
Corey was excited. "They give off an 'angry parent' vibe that I like..." ha! We're hoping that helps them get up on their own. And we're hoping to have good consequences if they are late for carpool or miss jazz band and stuff like that. I kinda think that after 20+ years of marriage and raising kids, I should have it all figured out, but I don't. And it's ok. The world changes, so our modus operandi changes too, it's ok that we're still figuring it out. Gotta pray and seek for answers, I know God will help us. I know we need His help.

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