Monday, January 16, 2023

Nighttime Interruptions

I sent Corey a text at 1:45 am Sunday morning to let him know that I was going to need to take a nap later - Saturday night Ethan called at 11:28 to have me come unlock the front door. I couldn't fall back asleep after that, then I brought Peter into our room sometime after midnight after I heard him thrashing around in the boys room, and then Peter and Katharine played tag team waking me up every 15 minutes for a while after that. At 1:45 I gave up and Katharine and I went into our closet for her to play and for me to try and prepare for my Sunday School lesson which I was leading that morning. I made an attempt to go to bed at 2:30, but it was a rough night Sat night-Sunday morning. I did get some rest on Sunday, but these two little kiddos are killing me. But aww, look at this pic - 
She's so sweet. Ok Katharine, if you and your brother want to wake me up forever, you can, it's fine. You are worth it. But guess what, good news - Peter didn't wake up AT ALL last night. I'm feeling like a new person today! With the good night of sleep, I went climbing with Wes and Lily today. There was no school because of MLK Jr. day, so it was nice to have a day off. It was fun. Wes sent his first V4. 
And Lily on the green V2! This one is a little high and scary and I just did it for the first time on Saturday, with Wesley coaching me. So yeah, good job Lil!

The three of us have really enjoyed climbing. Hooray for a day off from school. We had more birthday festivities for Peter this afternoon. It's good to celebrate this sweet boy a bit more. There was no school routine or violin so everyone was here when my mom came by with cake and ice cream for Peter. 

Peter blowing out four candles! He's the big 4. My BeReal - Peter is staring to do the squinty eye thing whenever he smiles. 

Opening gifts from my mom while Abi continues to dish out ice cream.

My mom brought by treats and gifts and then took Abi to her house to do some work. Wes got an extension for his 11th grade English class, so he's got one more month to finish that. (Actually it gives him three months but we're not telling him that, cause he needs to hurry and get this done so he can move onto the next class! He still has so much to do to be able to graduate, sigh.

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