Saturday, January 14, 2023

Peter is 4!

Happy Birthday to Peter! We are so happy that you were born

The best gift we've ever gotten on January 14th is YOU!

But we love sweet little Pete. He is really precious. What can I tell you about our little 4 year old Peter. He is super cute. He's been adorable from the start. He loves Wesley... he has scary dreams most nights. He loves Spiderman, cars, dinosaurs and now Ninjas. Owen got Ninjago Legos for Christmas and has been kind enough to share them with his little brothers, they've pretty much been playing with them constantly. So for Peter's birthday, I got him a Ninjago lego set. He wanted the green ninja. I gave it to him early, cause Owen was tired of sharing his legos. So these pics are from Wednesday... 

Peter loved the green car and green ninja! And then today, as my punishment for not being able to wait, I gave him another Ninjago lego I bought - so that he'd have something on his birthday. This was a red ninja on a red dragon. 
Dragons are pretty close to dinosaurs, so Peter accepted that. 

Tonight though, Peter told Wes that it actually WASN'T his birthday, cause "look! there's no cake!" It's true. I didn't decorate the table and I didn't get cake. My mom usually comes by and brings cake, and I didn't want to have two, so I didn't get one ready, but then she said it'd be better for her to come Monday, so we'll do the cake photo on Monday. No friends came other either, but I'm going to see if we can squash that tradition, cause I don't do well with friend parties. 

So today consisted of kids playing with legos, me trying not very successfully to prepare for leading a discussion in Sunday School tomorrow, and me also trying without much success, to get the kids to clean up the house. Corey and I went out on a date tonight to Braza Grill. We didn't make it out last night cause we just got home from Snowbasin and were a bit tired and not ready to leave for a date. We are still in a bit of Christmas recovery mode, from vacationing and skiing so much. Mel came up for a visit and she took Peter over to Corey's parent's house where Peter got this dope Iron Man costume. 

It think we can tell that he felt pretty amazing.
Back at home, I was nagging kids to clean their rooms, especially ABI AND LILY who always blame the mess in their room on each other, but there are just clothes clothes everywhere. A jacket that I let Abi wear this morning to GMS was left on the floor just outside her room. When she blamed the mess on Lily, I pointed out my jacket that I know she wore, as I gave it to her this morning. "I left that on the floor out there..." UGH, are you serious! These kids. Well they finally started cleaning, and then I notice Lily enter my room dressed as a pioneer... She walked out, I followed her. As they were going through clothing on the floor, Abi asked Lily if she wanted that dress. Lily tried it on. It felt a bit old fashioned, so she went downstairs to find the pioneer bonnet that I made for Mel (Trek 2016) and yep, it matched perfectly! It is definitely a pioneer dress. Then Abi came in my room and asked to borrow a fancy black dress of mine. I went to see what they were doing. Apparently Abi found her fancy black gloves and that inspired her to get dressed as well. So now we have Abi as a Great Gatsby socialite, and Lily as a pioneer. Abi got to hold a champagne glass, and she made Lily hold a salt shaker like a poor man.
Lily wanted a redo, so she could try and not laugh. You gotta look stoic in 1800 pioneer photos. 
Well, they are fun and silly, and that's why we never get anything done around here. 

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