Saturday, January 21, 2023

Ninjas and Bike Park

We just got back from a long drive from St. George. I was glad that it was in the light and the sun this time. This morning we packed up and checked out at 10, then we went to go check out a bike park. St. George looked so pretty - the red cliffs with the blue sky and snow capped mountains in the distance - it was lovely!

That pic was on our way to the Snake Hollow bike park. We got out and took a look around, but it was a bit wet, so then we went to the Grip Ninja Warriors. We noticed we were backtraking - we didn't  realize that it was close to the Worldmark and that we had actually passed on our way to the bike park. We had one hour there and the kids loved it. Trying out the beginner warped wall - 
They'd come running from across the room to get as much speed as possible, ha. I think Peter's favorite was the foam pit. 
Katharine checking out the holds - 
Owen doing a flip off the trampoline!
It was fun. While we were there, I was actually able to hold myself in a one arm hang for 5 seconds! I was very impressed with myself. I'm getting better and stronger! at 11:55 we were done, I nursed K, Corey got the kids in the cars and we were off to the bike park again. It looked like a nice park. 
Paved trails for the little ones, and big jumps for the high schoolers who are professionals! Family pic after we were done. 
Driving home. Abi took this pic - 7 bikes on the Velocirax, snow capped mountains in the distance. 

We made it home before dark and weren't in any scary storms. Yay. Corey stopped in Provo to give something to so I beat him home, we unpacked, kids helped a little bit, and now time to go get kids cleaned up for church tomorrow. 

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