Friday, January 20, 2023

Trip to St. George

First step before any trip: the Grocery store errand.
Katharine! Are you ok buried in there? Sweet baby.

Next: packing. The kids did most of their own packing. Corey loaded up the bikes and helmet. We were ready to go at 4, but we just had to wait for Owen to have a speech therapy meeting or other. I went over to the school for that with him, and then we were on our way. There was a little storm that passe dover us as we drove into Fillmore, and it stuck with us through St. George, but thankfully we arrived safely. Ugh I hate driving in snow storms though. It was cold and rainy last night, but looked nice this morning. It was so nice that the kids thought they'd like to go swimming. 

Unfortunately this place doesn't have an indoor pool. And while it's not Salt Lake temperature, it IS still winter, so the water was still cold. They went out, jumped in, got out, tried to get warm, and then we were done.

Walking back to the room. Corey took the kids to explore a bit. 
Last night I took Wes and Abi to sleep over with Mark so that they could leave for the trial nice and early. After Corey went exploring, he wanted me to go check things out on my bike. So I did. I didn't know where I was going, but afterwards, Strava told me that I was on Zen's trail and also I got a bit lost in Bearclaw, had to back track a few times. It was good. 
Not as pretty as Corner Canyon or the LCC trail, but it was fun and was nice to be biking again. 
The new bike Corey got me for Christmas is super nice. I got back in time to take Katharine so Corey could take kids to go jeeping with his brother. (Btw, Katharine is crawling so well!) I'll try to get them to send me pics of them jeeping. I'm sure they are having fun and looks like they will be back late. I was trying to keep dinner warm on the stove top but ended up burining it, so that was too bad. Heading back home tomorrow. Just a quick trip, it's been good to get out of the snow for a day. 

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