Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Science Project Research

 A few random things going on here - many of us have been participating in Sophi's science project. She and her friend Kelsy are seeing how long a person can hold their hand in ice cold water. Here's Daniel as one of the test subjects.

They are testing if it helps or hinders our endurance whether we are looking at a photo of a warm beach sunset, or an icy artic scene. So we had to do each hand and looked at a warm photo with one hand, and a cold pic with the other. Now, I myself could have held my hand in there for a very long time, but I stopped at 3 minutes with each hand. They caught me at a time when I just happen be working up my cold endurance. When Wes and I went climbing on Saturday, he told me about and showed me a video with a guy named Wim Hof, and Wes also mentioned how one of his YMAD leaders takes cold showers and said it's made his stuffy nose go away. So I'm like "Sounds fun! I'll try that!" and so Monday I took a cold shower, yesterday I laid down in the snow for 5 minutes in shorts and a sports top, and I laid in the snow again today for 6 minutes, and now I feel so young! Well, not really, but it does make you feel alive. Unfortunately, as I type this, I still haven't regained total feeling in my thumbs. The tips are still numb, so.... I'm crossing my fingers that I didn't do any permanent nerve damage there?

We are going to St. George tomorrow, just for two nights. Corey's brother invited us down to go jeeping, and we're going to try and bike a little bit. I went climbing tonight for a few minutes while Lily and Sophi were at Churchill on Parade. I brought K with me, she had fallen asleep so I was slightly hopeful that I'd be able to climb while I waited for the kids to be done at Churchill, but she woke up shortly after I started. 

She's cute though. Tonight Wesley was making henna creations for his little brothers. Peter requested a Ninjago character - 
And Daniel wanted a dragon. This looks really good, huh!
Wes, you could have a future career in Henna art. It was pretty cute seeing Peter laying down flat and so still, and he actually did fall asleep in the process. I'm sure I would too - so relaxing!

Today I was cleaning up. I cleaned Corey's office a little bit and took his broken fridge to a recycling yard, and I got - $2 bucks for it! Badda bing! Rolling in the big money here. In my tidying up, I also found folded papers from years ago, stamped with the date and time, of Wesley telling me the cruel things Hyrum or Ethan would do to him. It got to a point where I was just like "I can't handle all this strife.. just write it down and I'll figure out how to deal with it later." so there are all these papers with notes of who did what and when...
I showed the notes to Wesley, he thought it was kinda funny. "Yeah! I remember that... oh those simple sibling squabbles of yesteryear..."
We asked Hyrum about it today, and he said "Well, there's the date and the time written on it, so I guess I don't have an excuse. I'm sure it happened, I'm guilty." They both felt bad for poor little Wesley from 5 years ago. 

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