Saturday, February 11, 2023

At My Feet

As happens most days, Katharine was at my feet yesterday. She was at my feet while I tried to do the dishes - 

Soon she was on her "knees, beggin' please"... I told Abi to get a pic of her cute feet. 

I soon gave up on that, then thought I'd try practicing violin. She followed me there and continued her pleas for attention.

Weeping and gnashing her gums telling me to please hold her!

"Mother, oh mother! Don't you love me?!?"

These pics are kind of endearing, although it was slightly annoying at the moment. She might be a little bit spoiled. 

I haven't really tried to practice violin much since she was born, because this is what is looks like. Although I just spoke with Katharine, and she assured me that she was not being dramatic, she just really needed to share with me something important! An infant mark of development that she just figured out today! She was sitting with Abi upstairs when she did her first clap!

Katharine learned how to clap!

Hands close together, fingers straight... then clap!
That's very good Katahrine! I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to you earlier. 
That is impressive, you are a very smart girl. She was practicing more tonight. So proud of herself!

So that was the most impressive milestone from this weekend. Another fun thing that happened today was that Belle stopped by today say hi to the kids!

Like, THEE Belle! From France! Beauty and the Beast Belle!

It just so happens that our niece Jordyn knows her! So she brought her by to say hi to all of the little cousins. Peter, not one to let an opportunity like this slip by, ran upstairs and got his Iron Man costume that he got for his birthday last month. 

Little Pete had to show her that HE is important too! Belle was super impressed with that! We needed another pic of that amazing mask. 

So that was a fun surprise this afternoon. A few other things from tonight and yesterday - Sophi and Natalie were able to use their grandparents tickets to the symphony tonight. Corey took them down. 

And I made it to the Draper temple on Thursday and did a session for the first time in a long while. 

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