Monday, February 13, 2023

Making Valentines

Well well, hello. I'm behind on life. For example, I just finished blogging November last week and yesterday I finally posted Mel’s birthday. There's still more of December and January to do. Yes, I'm behind. But pat me on the back, I provided for my children to give valentine's treats to their classmates.
I barely bought the bare minimum needed for the 4 kids to have enough for all of their friends, so I had to watch the kids carefully to make sure that they weren't helping themselves, cause we didn't have extra to spare.

Valentine boxes and treats - it's a tradition, albeit a tradition that has lost most of it's purpose and that I kinda despise. Here are Daniel's valentines that he made yesterday. 

These are prob the saddest little valentines we’ve ever done but I also think it’s cute. They look like they are from a kindergartner, and they are. Daniel's fine with it, and so am I. This is a good time for me to share some updates to the quote wall (because these first few are a nice transition, as they are about chocolate...) Joseph captured these:

Can I have some Nutella? - Abi
I don’t believe in Nutella - Mom
It doesn’t matter. Nutella believes in you - Joseph 
Your Father has the code. He buys that garbage so you can ask him - Mom
Yeah but he said Mom has stuffing - Abi (I made stuffing for dinner)
Haha he’s such a good husband - Mom

BeReal of Sunday dinner - 
Here are some more quotes that Mel shared on Sunday - 

Dad to Sophie: “Do you know how to conjugate a verb?”
Abi: “I don’t even know what a verb is.”
Natalie: “A vurp is a mix of a vomit and a burp. I learned that from reck-it-Ralph.”

“I don’t think I’m lactose intolerant, but if I ate enough…” - FHE bro

Natalie holding Katharine tells Daniel “Let’s go play family!” Daniel irritated “Awww, I don’t wanna play family! I wanna play orphans!”

Mom: “Tell me about the game orphans.”
Natalie: “Orphans is about orphans running away from an ophanage keeper and then they figure out a place to live, then they learn their parents aren’t dead, you know, the usual.”

Lily: “If I could speak any language, I would speak English.”
Dad: “I’ve got good news for ya Lil”

Peter “Mom, down to the basement is really freaky and really scary…”

Wes singing Sharks
Peter - “Stop singing that song! You can sing it in your head like this!” Then he stares him down with a glare and furrowed brows

Playing Snaps 
Sophie “I don’t even know what’s true anymore”

Abi helping make dinner for a family of 11... 
Mom: “You only cooked 2 cups of rice??”
Abi: “You said to cook 2c of water to 1c of rice.”
Mom: Well I meant that was the ratio to use... 

Don’t mess with my hair, it’s how I get all the girls.. Except for my sisters. - Wes

“I don’t want you to feel like I’m giving Katharine special treatment; I would be happy to chew food for any of you.” - Dad 

Talking about Jesus fasting for 40 days: 
Kid: “There are these people that don’t eat or drink, they just live in caves and breathe, it’s baffled scientists for years.”
Dad: “I’ll have to look into that. But my wife had better not find out about this.”

Mel - stretching on the floor.
Natalie passing by, pointing: “that’s not hard.”
Mel: “Good morning to you too.”

I just hope I can get married while I’m in college so I don’t have to get a job! - Abi

Abi: I have a plan.
Dad: …and it involves a man

Abi: “We should get some food while we’re out because it’s free”
Dad: “Turns out it’s not actually free”
Abi: “It’s free for me though!”

Temple worker: “If any of you are waiting for a spouse or another member of your party, please remain seated.”
Ethan: “I might be here a while..”

“Mel, you should kiss a dude. It’s magical.” - Ethan 

“When I grow up, I want to be 26” - Owen 

“The only thing using teeth whitener has done for me is it’s made me see how yellow other peoples teeth are.” - Ethan

I went on a walk this morning. I like crunching the ice bubbles. We watched Episode 2 of Limitless on Disney+ yesterday, good stuff. I've been taking a cold shower everyday since Wes first mentioned it to me. When I was at violin today, Joseph called to let me know he was up in Millcreek, so right after violin, we dropped SNPK off at Corey's parents and I went and climbed with Joseph and Rhyan. AND I did the Hot Pink V2 that I wasn't able to do on Saturday, AND I also did another V3! A hanging purple one in the OG sector, and I was able to do it twice, yay!!! I'm so proud of myself. 

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