Saturday, February 25, 2023

Baby Problems

I got up early today to take Sophi and Natalie to Suzuki Federation. They had to be at SLCC at 8, so off we went. There was a paper up on the board that said no photos could be taken during the performance, so too bad there, but I've taken pics of them playing violin before, so it looked like that, but in a college music room. Sophi played Minuet in Book 3 and Lully Gavotte in Book 2. And that is really impressive cause Minuet was her new piece! And usually Amy doesn't have her students play their new piece for Federation, but it was required, and she had faith in Sophi, and Sophi did great. I need to practice more to catch up with her! Natalie played Gavotte from Book 1 and Happy Farmer. I'm glad I made it up and out the door, cause I had a rough night last night. I was seriously woken up every hour last night, some hours woken several times. Peter, who sleeps on our floor, was coughing a ton and kept asking for water, and Katharine couldn't breathe either cause her nose is all stuffed up, so I took her into the bathroom several times to put saline solution up her nose, which she didn't like, and then try to wipe it off and/or suck it out with the nose bulb. It was a no fun horrible night and I've felt like a zombie today, kinda just walking around with a blank stare. But I did get them to Federation, so yay, good for me for doing that. Sophi also had her last bball game today. I was grateful that her friend's parents took her. Wes had a sleep over at Brighton last night with the Young Men in snow caves, so that was fun for him, go Wes. And other than that, yeah, just been a zombie today and taking it one hour at a time. I am bummed that our tub isn't working - the handle broke off a few weeks ago, we're in the process of figuring out when to get that fixed. First we had to get a new dishwasher. It's a good thing I take Cold showers now, cause I used to only take baths, like for the past 10 years. But now it's showers, but I still liked baths for the kids, esp when they're sick, so that's a bummer. We do have a tub in the kids bathroom... I guess I should make myself go clean it (it's nasty). No, I should make the KIDS go clean it! Ugh, I need to get better and managing them and getting them to help. But not today. Time to go feed K. She just got stuck beneath a barstool that is in our room, cute baby. Not everyone can stand up under a stool!

Oh, I love baby problems. 
You got this K! You can get out of there! 

Don't worry, I saved her. I love baby problems, they are so easy to fix. I bet God thinks the same thing about my problems. And he eventually rescues me from my trials too. 

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