Sunday, February 26, 2023

Mucho Snow

We got totally dumped on by snow again last night - so much snow! This winter has been crazy. Good news about that is that the little boys have a pretty sweet sledding hill here in our front yard!
Last night Ethan was parked in the driveway - can you see how deep it is? It's like a foot and a half from this storm!
Ethan got a little more snow on top of his car from the snowblower as we cleared the snow before church. Joseph was parked in the street, and he really got a lot from us, since Corey does this round a bout thing into the road, so that our cars can have some traction and speed to get up the hill. So Corey clears the street a little plus our whole huge driveway - it is sooo big, it's stupid. Someday we'll redo the house, and we're gonna expand the house and increase the square footage of the home and decrease the footage of the driveway. I have driveway envy. Sometimes I'll drive by a house and see their simple two or 4 cement block driveway, and then I'll mourn our 10 square driveway, plus sidewalks. No fun in winter, esp on a north facing house. Anyway, after church, I knew the plow was coming soon, and I didn't want J's car to become even more buried by the plow, so we hurried out and dug it out - 
Luckily we just had to clear the front, the sides weren't snowed in yet, yay. with that, he was able to pull forward and park in the driveway and then we cleared him off and added that to the pile on the side of the driveway. 
A lot of snow. Kids have been playing outside and for those of us that are hiding and hibernating, we've been good inside too. K and Peter playing with baby toys. 
And for some reason tonight, Lily and Natalie got K dressed up in Peter's Iron Man costume. The mask is ridiculous. The cape is the finishing touch that makes her look like a lucha libre fighter. Funny. 

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