Saturday, February 4, 2023

Basketball and Henna

It's been a good and busy weekend. Sophi had a basket ball game today - here she is with her team. 

She was excited that they won 16-6! Melodie came up today and went to the game with me and Katharine. Taking a pic of Katharine for her BeReal. 

I took a pic too - 
Sophi is a good little player. Last night Corey and I went to Jordan Commons to see the last two episodes of Season 3 of the Chosen. Very good, although... (reader discretion if this is possibly spoiler info...) I don't love the whole miscarriage side story. But I get it - they're making a tv show, not a completely accurate biblical movie. But some of the drama is dumb. A little bit the same as when I saw the movie Let It Go, where they were trying to be all dramatic, but in the book, Chris Williams is really solid and his family wasn't there being mad or vengeful on his behalf. Same way - I get it that the apostles had their weaknesses, but the miscommunication between Eve and Peter is a bit stupid, as is Peter's anger over the miscarriage. I've had two miscarriages, and Corey's calmness was a strength at that time. Maybe it's just cause it's not my reality with Corey, but I'm sure they are portraying a reality that some people experience, but that whole side story has been a bit of a disconnect for me. Anyway, I still love the Chosen and I'm excited for my kids to see it. Oh, and Corey pointed out something in the Chosen that made me laugh. He was like "Where are all the kids? It's just not realistic! As if they were just all these "free adults" with no spouses and no children?!?!" But then we agreed that it would be a logisital nightmare to get a bunch of babies and children actors to be extras in the show. So we get it, but just note to self when you're watching it - insert lots of children that are making messes and slowing down whatever it is that all those adults are trying to accomplish! THAT would make it more realistic! haha. 

Wes had his last hockey practice yesterday. He's going to miss it. It was a very happy two seasons for him. What will he do for an outlet now? Yesterday he did some henna on his little brothers. 

The little boys hold sooo still when Wes does henna on them. 

Wes said it makes his thumb sore to push on the henna slowly.
But it was therapeutic for Wes to draw, and Peter was so relaxed. I'm sure it felt nice getting his back rubbed/tickled. Almost done...
And.... Peter wasn't able to hold on and took a little nap.

Cute little kid. When he woke up, he was excited to show it off. Too bad he can't see it himself. So I took a photo to show him how awesome it looked. 

That's really cool, Pete! I had him take a bath to get the hard stuff off and then we were able to see how the dye held. Today Wes was doing a little more henna on his siblings - giving Sophi freckles - 
He had already done some design on her hand - 

And given himself a Maori-like tatoo on his arm.
One other thing from today - Corey got some Frontier flight pass things for him, Mel, Abi, Lily, Sophi, and Natalie. $400 bucks for an all you can fly pass for this summer. His thinking is that it will save Mel and Abi money if they do this flute trip to Vienna in July. He made a spreadsheet with all of our summer plans and it's going to be busy "It's almost over already!" I spent today doing some prepping for our anniversary feast, which will be in three weeks. Should be fun. Life is good. 

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