Sunday, February 5, 2023

Happy at Home

Hello Sunday - it was great to just enjoy a happy day at home with each other. Melodie was here for the night, and Joseph and Ethan came up from BYU after church too, so that was great to have all of them at home.  Cute Katharine looking totes adorbs for church - 

Abi feeling cute for church - 
Peter with his Primary class - 
Peter often protests that he doesn't want to go to church, that "Church is boring" but he does great once we get there. His primary teacher was his nursery teacher last year, so I think that was a good idea to have the teacher move up with the kids. Peter loves Sister Smith, we do too! After church, Mel loving on Katharine and snuggling up for a nap - 
The kids did henna, Wesley drew a dinosaur for Peter - 
...and Wesley got some work done on him today - 
And some cool work done on Mel's hand - 

One other thing that was fun tonight, was this "magic trick" done with cards. Daniel was sooo amazed when Corey was able to pick out his card!
Playing the magic trick over and over again downstairs. I have been up here blogging, and I love hearing them all play down in the front room.
Loving having everyone in our room for prayer and scriptures. It was just a happy day at home. 

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