Thursday, February 16, 2023


Daniel got a pretty cool valentine yesterday. It's a little streamer, and he has been so happy playing with this thing - Taking it to the bus stop today.

It's created a picture perfect image of childhood - like a child with a balloon. Peter with his streamer. I could get excited about giving something like this instead of candy. The kids got a lot of straws yesterday and other little toys. It appears I'm not the only one who thinks all the candy is a bit much. It might be good to explore WHY we have these traditions and what they are for, and if they've outlived their purpose, I wish it was ok for us all to move on. But I guess there isn't much else happening in February, so whatever. Here's a daily pic of Cute Katharine - 
Katharine looking cute in a purple bow. 
She usually won't keep those on, she grabs them right off. But she kept it on long enough for me to get some pics today. 
And I also took a video of her playing with Natalie's pen tower - 
She was careful and curious, taking one pen at a time...
and then she started to get more efficient. It didn't take her long to wreck it. 3 min video here, and short video here. She's a cutie. I like watching her discover new things and explore the world around her. 
Shout out to my parents - today is their happy anniversary! Their engagement photo - 
And from their wedding - gotta love the solid red suit!
It's fun for Corey and I to share an anniversary month with them. February is the month of love. Pic with their parents. <3

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