Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentine's Day

We survived another Valentine's day. I didn't help the kids much with their boxes, cause I kinda hate it. Natalie did hers by herself, I think taking inspiration from Lily's toilet box from 3 years ago

Sophi had wanted to make a tv with an ipad and she needed spray paint and that was when I checked out. I'm not sure how she finished this, I think Lily helped her? And Corey did allow her to take an ipad, so lucky girl, Sorry I'm no good at helping with these. I'm getting too old for traditions that have no real meaning. 
Lily helped Owen with his - 
I did attempt to make hearts in their hair - 
We were able to talk to Hyrum today. Katharine showed him how she can clap. She's such a showoff!
And then when the kids got home, they all pigged out on their treats. So no one was hungry after that and I didn't have to make dinner.
Lily collecting candy payments for her services. Glad that is over. I don't know why I feel like am such a scrooge with some holidays!
We went over to Corey's parents house later tonight for our nephew to open his mission call. He is going to Santiago Chile! Corey got a bit teary with that news. Corey served in the West mission, Seth is going to the North. Pretty exciting! He leaves in June.

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