Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Climbing and Things

We had fun taking everyone to climb at Momentum tonight. Didn't do much climbing, because we were on kid duty. Me holding K - 

She's such a pretty baby!
Corey held her in the back pack while he belayed kids - 

Kids playing in the cave area - 

Katharine tried to be fussy for some of the time - putting on a pouty face - 
Natalie and I did sneak off to try a little bouldering - Natalie did great! She was able to do some of the V1s - 
Go Natalie! It was fun, but I didn't push my muscles, so I'll be going in the morning for sure. A few more photos from today and yesterday - my cuties in our bed this morning - 
Daniel wrote on his wall, letting people know whose bed he was in. It was "Daniel's bed, NOT owen and Not Peter" ha. Cute that he labeled it, I guess, but unfortunate that it was with black permanent marker. He scrubbed it for a bit, but it's all still there. I'm not going to worry about getting it off. We just need to re-paint their room. 

 Cute K this morning - she's moving around so much, crawling and pulling herself up. 

Sophi and Natalie had Suzuki Graduation last night out at Juan Diego school. Sophi has graduated Book 2, Natalie graduated book 1. 

And Daniel lost his first tooth last night!

Corey's been planning a trip to DC - he's booking out different activities. We heard today from a neighbor that used to live next door. They had a boy Tyler that is the same age as Abi and the kids would all play together. We found out today that Tyler has been diagnosed with leukemia. Very heartbreaking! Sometimes I don't know why others have such hard trials like cancer and death. It especially doesn't seem fair when it seems like our trial is a large family with a bunch of beautiful healthy children. Our trial is actually a huge blessing.

But I guess life isn't over yet and we don't know what the future holds. 

We just go forward with faith and trust in God when illness or death will come. And they will come someday. I'm grateful to know of eternal life and to know that God is in control, we can trust him, we are in his hands, and that there is life after death and we continue to live. These kids are mine forever! 

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