Monday, February 6, 2023

Family STEAM Night

A month ago, we bought alarm clocks for the kids. We got three - one for each bedroom. They are non-plug in battery powered clocks that Corey liked cause they give off the "angry parent vibe" - ha.  I would now like to give a shout out to Natalie, who is our only child that consistently gets up to her alarm clock! AND this little girl is in elementary school! And she doesn't even have to get up this early, BUT she gets up at 7 am and babysits Katharine while we go climbing, or she practices violin, or she does homework! What 9 year old kid does that? Maybe other parents or kids are on top of it, but none of the 9 year olds that we've had so far have ever done that. Here she is this morning, practicing piano! She doesn't even take piano lessons. Wow, Natalie. I am so impressed with you.

If you're able to keep this good habit up long term, I'd say that there is nothing you couldn't do! And we're hoping she's able to teach her older teenage sisters how to wake up in the morning as soon as the alarm goes off and just go get at it. And Natalie really is our most trusted babysitter for Katharine. Cute Katharine tonight - sitting on the counter AND under the cupboard at the same time. Much like Natalie's ability to wake up to the alarm clock, not many humans have this skill!

Tonight we did something fun. I took my kids to STEAM night! They've wanted to go to these for years, but I haven't ever helped make it happen. Today I did. Go me. While I strive to support our local school, and I do the best I can... I don't do much. I don't volunteer in the classrooms and haven't ever gone along to chaperone on any field trips. But I do hope and plan to make up for it a little bit someday in the future when Katharine is in school and I don't have toddlers or a baby at home anymore. Right now, the best way I support is to bring numbers in attendance. I can bring a crowd.  Of course I attend my own children's programs and eventsbike rodeos and parades and all that Maycember stuff (albeit sometimes reluctantly and out of sheer obligation). But I am patting myself on the back for taking this step today in support of our local school. The absolute highlight of the evening for me, was watching Katharine eat a chocolate chip cookie. 

SO freaking cute. Video here of her in wide eyed and in awe of this taste of high sugar content.

"What IS this?!? Give me MORE!"
Another video - she's got a hold of the cookie and she's not letting go! 
So that was fun, and I also loved seeing her chase the Sphero balls
Owen was kind enough to let her chase his ball, although she wasn't able to tell it apart from any of the other balls. 
We might need to get one of those for us here at home to play with with her. So, STEAM stands for (I had to look this up): science, technology, engineering, art and math. For Art, they had some red clay that the kids were able to play with. I made a Lightening McQueen car for Peter which was pretty good. Daniel having fun with Millie. Natalie and Lily getting creative too - 
It was a fun night and I'm glad we went, and we all enjoyed it, therefor I here make the pledge to go again next year! Someyear I dare say I'll even volunteer to run one of the stations. 

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