Monday, February 20, 2023

Ski Day at Alta

Hooray for President's day! It was a day off from school and so we all went up and had a great day skiing  at Alta!

It didn't take us too long to get out the door this morning, just the usual long. We had parking passes for both cars. It was snowy looking but the roads were good and the van made it up the canyon fine. BeReal went off on the drive up.
Mel took her photos as we unloaded. 

That was when we learned of the first glitch of the day - we couldn't find some of the ski goggles. We had left them in a bin downstairs from after skiing at Snowbasin on Friday. So I volunteered to head back home and get those, which I did and I made it back up by noon. Ethan took his BeReal on the chairlift.

Mel kept Katharine in the lodge there while I drove back home, cause K hates her carseat. After I got back, Mel headed out and I stayed with K. Soon Corey came in with Peter for a break, and he stayed with Katharine while I hurried out to catch up with Mel and Daniel. We went down one run with him, and then we took him back to the lodge with the rest of the kids who had stopped for lunch...

Mel and I did a few runs together. Eventually the kids all caught up with us. Corey had stayed with Daniel, Peter, and Katharine - he took them all out on the Snowpine lift. Mel and Abi both took a turn taking Katharine too. Here she is on Abi for a bit. Cute little eyes!
It was fun to ski with all the big kids! We tried to do a pic without goggles, but not everyone was brave enough to let their eyes face the wind. 
It was such a fun day skiing! It was cloudy but visible enough that it was fun and we all left wanting more. 
I also think it was the best I'd ever skied! Best because I wasn't scared when I was going fast! I really enjoyed skiing with Owen. I took my BeReal on our last run of the day. 
Owen and I were on the last chair of Supreme and had the mountain all to ourselves on the run down. I also listened to music for the last few runs and that was so fun! I really liked listening to the Killers of course, esp "Change Your Mind" and "For Reasons Unknown" ("I look a little bit colder!") I caught my stride today, haha. I also liked listening to "All I Need Is A Miracle" and "Take On Me"! Fun fun, I was laughing it was so fun, and I also was surprised, cause if I didn't have my music or a podcast to listen to, I probably wouldn't even bother biking, or I'd go back home to get my music. And I've been skiing without music all this time, when I could have been listening as I speed down the hill to my death. But again, I didn't feel like I was going to die today - I wasn't scared, it was just fun! We're supposed to have a big storm this week and I hope we get in a few more days skiing! I've still got two days at Snowbird and one more day at Alta. I hope Corey and I get to go together without kids for one of those. 

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