Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Snow Day

Yesterday was school, but Natalie stayed home sick, and Sophi called me 30 minutes after school started to tell me she felt sick too. So it was a regular school day, but not a regular school day. And today was not regular either, cause we had a huge snow storm last night that has lasted most of the day too, and there was so much snow that school was cancelled. Er - moved to "distance learning" which we figured the kids could do in the evening, so we went skiing! Corey volunteered to stay home, so I went with the older kids WALS and Corey stayed with NODPK. The canyon was closed for avalanche control, but we left as soon as it was open, and were in a line along Wasatch, which was a new thing the city is trying - rather than things backing up along 94th, they had police cars out directing people to turn south, so we were driving in the wrong direction for a few miles until we found the back of the line. No butting in line allowed cause the cops were there making sure everyone followed the rules.

We blasted music in the car, the funniest one was Venus by Bananarama, Abi Lily and Sophi in the back had some head banging choreography that was funny. There was a little complaining about the ski traffic but we made it up to Snowbird right at 11 and got a great parking spot and took off. We did two runs and then the kids stopped for food, but I didn't bring a lunch and didn't stop - I did Mid Gad two times while they ate. I skied from 11 until 4:45. Sophi is a great little skier and she was able to keep up with Wes, so the two of them skied together all day and I skied with Abi and Lily. Abi could usually keep up with Wes but she was cold today. The powder made it hard, and I had like 5 wipeouts that were fun. It's like you die in a poof of cold white silence. The kids would laugh as they looked back to only see my skies sticking out of the snow. At one point I was trying to follow them, and we were going through the trees, and Wes went over a place that was roped off right at the bottom of the lift, but you couldn't see the rope cause the snow was too high. He caught air and landed ok and was able to turn around and stop Sophi, who's feet were dangling over the rope. She was able to crawl up a bit and go to the right and get down. Then I captured the moment.

There was a lot of snow. It was fun. We caught one of the last chairs up. It was great. So yesterday I finally got all the ice off of the driveway. In the fall, Chuck fixed the NE corner of the house that was falling apart, and now the ice just backs up and spills out, so we've got a glacier on that side of the driveway that I haven't bothered with until it was warm enough yesterday, and I wanted to clear it off as best I could so the snowblower would be able to clear the driveway. The kids have been playing and digging tunnels and it's been fun for them. Tomorrow looks like a good ski day too, but we won't go, we need to get back to reality. Seems like all we do around here is eat and party. Well, they do pretty good at practicing their instruments, and ok with homework I think. But I need to pay attention to the house and get the kids to do some chores. I've stayed on top of laundry, but everything else is lacking big time. It has been in disarray since Christmas break. 

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